
LATEST NEWS - January 2025


Andy Miller is now fully operational as my Associate Consultant for Health & Safety.


He is now available to help you with Health & Safety - in the same way, and on the same terms as my (now retired) friend and colleague, Trevor Walker  was doing up until 2023.  Andy will normally work for you direct i.e. he will work independently of me except where he and I might more appropriately work together for you on non-Health & Safety work, such as ISO and BS standards, helping with tenders, etc. 


Andy is based in Ware, Hertfordshire - Feel free to Contact him DIRECT on: 


Mobile: 07770 751 725




Alternatively you are welcome to call ME first and I can liaise with Andy.




LATEST NEWS - October 2024


In the Health and Safety field, I was, until end of September, 2023, supported by my lifelong friend and associate, Trevor Walker,  AIIRSM - Trevor retired in 2023 and is enjoying his new, stress-free life, I am very pleased to tell you.


BUT - there is MORE good news: Starting 1st November, 2024: Health & Safety management support is back on my agenda !


My associate, Andy, will - on my behalf and / or in his own right - be offering the same, high level of support that Trevor previously provided to our clients.  Andy and I have occasionally worked together on various projects since the mid-2000s, and we share the same high regard for service quality and an eye for detail (which so many people ignore - at their peril) but his experience is not limited to Health & Safety - he is also very knowledgable and experienced in implementing and maintining ISO management systems including 9001, 14001, 45001, 27001 and - amongst others, the British Security standards applicable in the UK security industry.  Andy's portfolio also covers many other aspects of business management and administration.  I am looking forward to working with Andy in the years to come as I gradually work towards my own retirement.  Andy will be operating as a consultant in his own right, while I also expect that he and I will work closely together for certain clients and on certain projects - we will inevitably share many of my and Trevor's longer-standing clients, as well as new ones, still to come along...


...and the good news does not stop with Andy's involvement.  As I explained earlier this year, there could still be a family involvement in the business - one of my daughters and her husband could, over the next year or so, start up their own management support operation - the intention of which is also likely to be providing the same or similar wide-ranging management support offer that I have offered since the early 1990s - and particularly in the Construction sector, which has provided so much of our business for the last 30 years - "Watch this space" !



LATEST NEWS - March, 2024 - Updated - See October 2024, above



LATEST NEWS - 29th May, 2023


2023 has been a surprisingly good year so far - two new clients have come along: One an electrical contractor (taking me right back where I started with lots of electrical contractors in the early / mid 1990s - several of whom I am STILL working for 25 or more years later); And the other, an arboricultural (tree surgery) contractor is wanting help with their tendering for local authority work - I did a lot of work in this sector going back around 10 to 15 years ago The 'end-clients' i.e. national government, public services - NHS, and locaring any travel time or associated expenses.  The good news for my clients in this regard is that MY ££ charges have DROPPED CONSIDERABLY for most of the audits being done 'remotely' (as I am NOT charging for not-needed travel time, fuel and expenses) - so "its an ill wind that blows nobody any good" and while there is something innately unsatisfactory and unnatural about remote audits, my clients mostly like them as being less intrusive and less 'hassle' - not having to look after assessors 'on-site'. 


I am luckily still enjoying a varied clients base - in the last year this has included: Electronics manufacturing companies; Lots of small construction / building refurbishment contractors of nearly all types - including Builders, Plumbers, Electrical contractors, of course, as well as Bricklayers, Roofers & facade installers; Heavy lifting (craneage) contractors; Security services - Door Supervisors AND both manned guarding, mobile patrols, keyholding AND CCTV, access control and intruder alarms, PLUS those who also do Fire alarm and detection systems installation; Couriers; Shipping (Tanker) brokers; Commercial high-speed printer / duplication machine sales and engineering services; Compressed air and fluids engineering components wholesales.


For those of you who know my associate and life-long friend, Trevor Walker and who use his services for Health and Safety support - while Trevor is retiring this year he is successfully finding suitable replacement consultants for his (and my) clients where asked to do so.



NEWS (31st December, 2022)


2022 has been a busy year with many of my clients 'catching-up' following the Coronavirus lockdowns and subsequent period of uncertainty.  This reflects the fact that many major buyers out  there - particularly national, local government and public service authorities have been renewing contracts or have been putting them out to tender again - so most of my facilities management-related contractors have either got back to some kind of normality over the last year or, in some cases - amazingly - have expanded their operations after providing excellent customer service during the pandemic period.


I have been helping clients with their tendering through the relatively new 'ADAM PROCURE' tendering portal that some authorities have decided to use.


Two major new construction / building refurbishment industry clients - specialising in roofing and brickwork installation came along in the Spring of '22 and I'm pleased to report that they have attained UKAS accredited certification to ISO45001 (health and safety management) along with 9001 (quality management) with my help after a complete review and update exercise following a period of dropping their certifications during the two-years Coronavirus-induced downturn.


My involvement in the electronics manufacturing industry in East Anglia continued throughout the last three years, with renewals of ISO13485 ( the Medical devices variant of 9001 ) ISO9001 itself and and ISO 14001 repeating each year with a return to on-site assessments during 2022 - Electronics has been booming the last two years in spite of the shortages of components supply from China and the shpping problems caused by the Ukraine war.


My best wishes to you all for a happy, prosperous - and safe - 2023 !




NEWS (as at 15th November, 2022)


I'm still here ! - have just been surprisingly busy since the August post but pleasingly not quite so much at the moment, just helping a couple of companies with smaller tenders - so I have time to catch up with some personal things before Christmas.


NEWS (as at 24th August, 2022) - Review of March 2022 to Date:


Once again - apologies to those of you who have not seen any news posts from me for some time - I am still here !


I have, quite simply, been very busy keeping up with so many of my clients who have themselves been 'catching-up' after delaying a lot of the work I would normally been involved with in 2020 and 2021, post-Covid.


New clients have come along - and a new project with ISO45001 (the successor to OHSAS 18001) and the usual mixture of helping put tenders and pre-qualification submissions together and generally advising on and doing hands-on work with management systems in quite a few different industries.


NEWS (as at 11th March, 2022) - Review of November 2021 to March 2022 and how the Remainder of 2022 is Looking


Firstly - Apologies to those of you Who have been Looking for updates since November, last year...


I have been - to my own surprise - quite busy since November but particularly so since the new year, with new and 'returned' clients that I have not seen for many years, along with keeping up with the annual routines of helping companies to prepare for their yearly ISO surveillance assessments.  2022 is looking, so far, to be as 'norrmal' a year as 2019 was - thankfully, at this first dawning of Springtime.  Trevor and I are continuing to work together with some of our clients who require both Trevor's independent health and safety input as well as my help with the contract renewal / tendering that crops up every 3 to 5 years or so, along with the invitations to tender for new business, etc.  The ISO14001 and ISO9001 - and ISO45001 requirements continue to arise, with some of my clients now perfectly able to maintain their own certification maintenance tasks while new clients are still coming along - requiring my help just with their first year or two under these standards.  Its good to see smaller businesses taking up the reigns and doing their own maintenance for the ISO certifications - while I am always happy to help if or when needed e.g. with the internal audits and management reviews or legal register updates / compliance evaluations.


On a lighter note - apologies for the 'ropey' photo of myself that I published on 2021 - I thought it was high time to publish an up to date photo - the last one having been self-taken around 2008 but the one I took last year under the tree (and under 'Covid' conditions) is probably not the best (Ha ha !) so I shall endeavour to put a shirt and tie on for the next one (that'll be a shock !) which will be sometime very soon.


NEWS (as at 14th November, 2021) - Review of March to October 2021 - and how the Remainder of 2021 and 2022 are Looking


Those of you who know me and who have been in direct contact with me since April last year will be aware of the bad and good news concerning my family circumstances, while - thankfully - avoiding any significant service performance issues due to the parallel drop-off in business last year due to Covid, but I am pleased to report all is virtually back to normal (or as normal as the ongoing Covid situation allows anyone, at the moment).


Remote Assessment gradually switching back to On-Site Assessments


IIt seems that nearly all of my clients are now being advised by their respective certification bodies (irrespective of the particular standards involved) that their assessment from this point onwards will either be on-site ones again or that they can opt for on-site or off-site depending on their own ispecific industry or business or local Covid-related circumstances.


New Business / Clients


ITo my own surprise, new clients have been making enquiries and clients not seen for sevral years are making a return, particularly needing help with putting in well-drafted tender or tender-related pre-qualficiation submissions (in the construction and building refurbishment sector - specifically for work in the UK government and public service sectors e.g. double glazing installation, and in other sectors e.g. courier services in the NHS radiological materials transportation sector, security systems installation sector, electronics manufacturing sector.


NEWS (as at 4th March, 2021) - Review of November, 2020 to February, 2021 how the remainder of 2021 is Looking


Clients Catching-Up with missed / delayed ISO management systems assessments


All of my clients with UKAS  accredited certification(s) to one or more of the ISO management systems' standards have caught up with these now,  while all have had 'remote' assessments which have all gone well with any assessor-raised issues being fairly easily and quickly resolved.  Zoom or Microsoft Teams video meetings have rarely been needed but the couple that were done that way were quite satisfying (except when the sound went missing on my microphone input ! - still, that was one way of shutting me up !) The remote auditing process generally seems to have been received well with the only concerns expressed where clients had overlooked or thought unimportant one or two of the key 'bureaucratic' (groan...) processes e.g. internal auditing and management review (I should explain that I only get involved in these processes with some of my clients, while others are (supposed) to be doing them in-house, to keep the costs of my input to a minimum.


ISO27001 Information security management system project


This project is going well, with the Stage 1 assessment (by NQA) having been succesfully concluded with a list of 'AoC's that the client and I are in the process of addressing and Stage 2 assessment due near the end of April after we have completed and are implementing the outcomes of the (very challenging) information security risk assessments process.  NSIGold (ISO9001 and the associated technical BS's and EN's) will be done with this business as the work on 27001 nears completion.


New Client: a small Design consultancy in London has asked for help with Constructionline Acclaim and Achilles Building Confidence


My friend and Associate has successfully helped this small architectural design firm to gain Constructionline Acclaim (SSIP) certification and they are now working on initial preparation for certification to the Achilles' Building Confidence scheme, with my personal assistance. 


How 2021 is looking...


Its hard to say but I have been pleasingly surprised at the relatively high level of new enquiries steadily coming in since October last year.  Cosntruction has been quiet - but not completely missing from Trevor's Health and Safety portfolio - and is now starting to 'come alive' again.  My own new projects - that will a go a long way to keeping me going this year - are all, so far, are coming from very well and long-established clients i.e. people I have worked for for 10 to 25 years (this is time for me to to say 'Wow !!' because 25 years ago I had no idea that I would have really achieved such longevity of client confidence and loyalty - my sincere and heartfelt THANKS !! to all of you and to those who are watching over us all.


We now also have a longer-term succession plan in place, so that, hopefully there will be excellent back-up support in place from a person approved by both Trevor and myself for short-term gaps in our individual or joint availability to cover for workload peaks, etc.  This bodes well for our clients while also offering the opportunity for a redction in pressure on us, as 2021 looks to be the first year of recovery from Covid19.  Let's all hope it really does work out that way.


NEWS (as at 31st October) - Review of August to October and looking forward to the New Year, 2021


Certification Assessments - Covid19 'Catch-up'  Remote Audits during Summer / Autumn 2020 


Most of my clients who - for one reason or another - had their certification body assessments for various ISO and British Standards postponed from Spring and Summer time this year have since had those assessments done - all 'remotely' i.e. via phone / email / electronically.  While Zoom video and similar meetings have been offered, most elected not to go that route as it was more efficient time-wise simply to prepare all the necessary docs and records in advance and then to send or make them available electronically to the assessors - thus cutting down on the need for too many phone or email requests for extra / additional information.  This has all worked quite well in every case.  I have a few more of these to do on a catch-up basis - between November and January-ish and then we'll be back into either the 'normal' on-site routine for 2021 - or - the way its looking right now with the threat of imminent national lockdown again - the same and possibly disjointed 'remote' routine again next year.


New Projects - amazingly ! 


In spite of the above, the 'new projects coming up' I spoke about last time (combined ISO9001 and ISO27001) - see below - have actually been confirmed and I have started working on those just in the last week or so which has been great news for me and a welcome new challenge.


I've not really said much about the Covid19 situation - apart from its more obvious business impacts - because frankly, what is there to say that has not been said a million times over, here in the UK and world-wide - and its always easy to be 'expert, after the event' isn't it ? - I just think back to what happended with the 'Spanish' influenza pandemic between 1918 and 1920 - they had little, if any, chance then compared to us, now. 


So, I wish you and everyone good health and good luck for the next few months at least - if not the next year or so !



A Look Back at May to July 2020 - and Looking Forward to Autumn & the New Year 2021


The Covid 19 pandemic emergency - its effects on my Clients and their changing requirements


I have not heard from a very small number of those clients I usually do work for on occasions each year, but these are small but well-established family businesses providing necessary services in the building maintenance and upgrade sector that will have only put off those aspects of the services they buy-in to their own business that could have been delayed and can continue to be comfortably put off for a while longer without any significant consequences – I’m sure I’ll be hearing from them by Christmas or early in 2021.


Those businesses who have continued to want my support since March this year – mostly in manufacturing or manufacturing supply chains, have not needed me to visit their premises or sites as all the required work was updating pre-existing and creating new documentation, with information gathering being done via telephone calls and email correspondence, so no unnecessary risks have arisen that might otherwise have occurred if I had been asked to make face-to-face visits.I have helped with a large number of ‘Remote’ assessments by UKAS accredited certification bodies – all of which have been successful with no noncompliances / improvement needs (major or minor) being raised, while only one or two observations / auditor’s notes or OFIs )opportunities for improvement) have been raised on average for some clients – with none at all for some others.


Unexpectedly, the demand on my time to help service supply clients working for national or local government / public service organisations, with competitive tenders for new or contracts or renewals has continued, albeit at a reduced frequency.


The secret of success with the above has been to provide – in advance of the assessment day - comprehensive documentation and real-life worked examples of completed ‘jobs’ / contracts, usually by providing at least three samples showing the end-to-end audit trail examples i.e. initial email enquiry and the documents created and / or emails all the way through to final invoicing.


This approach has meant that the Assessor have hardly needed to take up any of my clients’ time during the assessment days because its all been supplied in advance with few or no gaps to leading to awkward questions.


I thinks its also fair to say that Assessors and their employers wanting to do inspection visits over the last four months have been treading on eggshells with my clients – for fear of being told to ‘go way’ to put it politely, all of whom have had some considerable practical difficulties or sad experiences during the emergency and frankly all could have quite justifiably cancelled their annual inspection / assessments or put them off for at least six months, while in reality only a handful have actually done this and in some cases it was, in fact, the certification bodies that did the cancelling or postponing - due to lack of their own staff availability !


The effect of the pandemic on my own business


As I explained earlier, I have – for which I am very grateful - continued to work during the ‘lockdown’ although at ‘skeleton’ utilisation since March.


Fortunately, I can cope with the extreme fluctuations e.g. I am not expecting to have any substantial work during August and September after a busy (relative to a much lower than normal sales volume, in) June and July.I believe October to December will be relatively busier with those clients I would normally – but in the event have not - heard from during Spring and Summer, coming back after putting off their requirements of me to help with assessments and inspections.


New Projects Coming Up


I have been given the ‘heads-up’ that I will be involved in an ISO27001 UKAS accredited certification project soon, to run in parallel with a new NSI Gold combined ISO9001 and British / European Standards implementation project for a security systems firm working in the national public service sector… probably starting late this year or in early 2001.



LATEST NEWS - February to April 2020 - and the Covid19 Pandemic Emergency


Delays to Certification Assessments / Audits during Spring 2020 


Nearly all of my clients have themselves delayed their certification assessments / audits that were due this Spring, or their certification bodies have done so.  This has left me with some spare capacity - and while I am working from home / not doing client visits, some new and unexpected jobs have come in that have not required face-to-face meetings i.e. helping clients to complete tenders for future work or for renewal of existing contracts coming up to term expiry.


New Clients 


Another new client in the electronics industry has come along after being referred to me by existing clients - this one supplies industry-specific products to the circuit board manufacturing / assembly sub-sectors.


Another potential new client (my having worked with this client contact before) in the manned security sector has approached me to provide assistance with gearing up for the SIA (Security Industry uthority) ACS (Approved Contractor Scheme) and the associated British standards.


LATEST NEWS - November 2019 to January 2020


Take-Over of a Major Client Brings Continued Confidence in John Lane Business Consulting


Although one of my major clients - a building services installer and maintenance company I have been working for since 1996 - was absorbed, around two years ago, into a larger nationwide group of facilities management services companies - that has its own central quality and environmental management systems department and policies - continuing confidence has been expressed in John Lane's external support for their London and South operations' ISO 9001 and 14001 UKAS accredited certifications.  This is "Good News for the New Year !" as previously it was considered likely that this support would be replaced or much reduced by the input of in-house employee team.


LATEST NEWS - September to October 2019


Electronics Manufacturing - ISO9001 & ISO 13485


I started work in September with ANOTHER new electronics industry client involved in printed circuit board ASSEMBLY, taking over, again, from the person - now retired - who had previously helped the company with their management systems and some compliance requirements, primarily ISO9001 and the MEDICAL DEVICES specialist standard ISO 13485:2016.


Fire Extinguisher Installation and Servicing - ISO9001 / NSI Fire Gold & BAFE


In September I helped one of my established security and fire systems clients to add to their portfolio, Fire Extinguisher Installation and Servicing - thus broadening their pre-existing NSI Fire Gold and BAFE scope following the additional assessment by NSI for extinguishers, in September.


LATEST NEWS - June to August 2019


Electronics Manufacturing - ISO9001 & ISO14001


I started work in July with a new electronics industry client involved in printed circuit board manufacture, taking over from the person - now retired - who had previously helped the company with their management systems and some compliance requirements, primarily ISO9001 and ISO 14001 - after they had already successfully transitioned to the 2015 versions of these standards.  (They successfully passed their last NQA  Assessment for both standrads in September.)



LATEST NEWS - April / May 2019


ISO 45001: 2018:


My engineering client smoothly migrated form OHSAS18001 to the new ISO45001 standard and successfully completed their triennial review for their health and safety management system in April (with BSI) and they are now thinking about taking on the ISO14001 standard. They also successfully passed their April assessment against ISO9001 and BS1090.


One of my SIA ACS manned guarding clients in Kent successfully passed their annual ACS assessment this month (May).


My crane hire client in Suffolk successfully passed its annual ACHILLES UVDB assessment in April.


I have just completed one tender for door supervisor services for one of my manned security clients and I'm now working on a laarger one for the same client, for the provision of a range of different services.



LATEST NEWS - November / December 2018 & First Quarter 2019


ISO 45001: 2018:


John is helping those of our existing clients - who already have UKAS accredited OHSAS 18001:2007 certification in place - for Occupational (OH&S) Health & Safety Management Systems - to migrate to the new ISO 45001: 2018 standard during the first quarter of 2019.


Having had an entirely trouble free three years with the ISO 9001: 2015 transitions - all of which have gone virtually perfectly with no NCs (major or minor) or improvement needs, we are anticipating a similarly smooth pair of migrations of H&S management systems, as much in the new 45001 standard is based on the 2015 versions of 9001 and 14001while the additional H&S-specific requirements are not unexpected or beyond what any reasonable idea of best practice in H&S management should be.


LATEST NEWS - October 2018




We reported in early 2018 that our long-established client - a London Borough of Hillingdon-based Security Systems Installer was being helped by John to expand their NSI Gold (security) certification to embrace BAFE / NSI Fire Gold and that this was due for initial on-site assessment in March 2018 - Well, we forgot to mention that the assessment was entirely successful and the company was NSI Fire Gold and BAFE certificated shortly after the assessment - much quicker than expected, due in no small part to John's advice, full colour flowcharted processes and ongoing support.


LATEST NEWS -September 2018




*2 - The scientific instruments company I mentioned in the August new successfully passed - with NO ISSUES raised - their NQA ISO9001:2015 Transition audit in the latter half of September.


My East of England based security services provider successfully passed their first SIA ACS assessment in the latter half of September, subject to providing some additional information over the next couple of weeks and with a few 'improvement opportunities' raised for close-out in a year's time at the next annual assessment.



LATEST NEWS - August 2018




I knew that there would be some late-coming new clients and a few established clients, leaving their ISO9001 or 14001 transitions until the last minute - and so it has been !  - I used to do a lot of work in the recruitment sector, although not for a little while - and now have a new East Anglian based recruitment group on board which is nice - wanting help with the 9001 transition - due for assessment in late August *1.  Another of my long-established East London electrical contractors, that had not needed my help since the ISO 9001:2008 transition, came back to ask for help with the 2015 transition - to be completed in mid-late August *3.  A new client - a tiling contractor working for a major rail organisation - but known to me already from his earlier connection with an older client, just asked for help with ITPs (Inspection & Test Plans) at the principal contractor's request - something I could do but do not have the time unfortunately as its a major project and to be fair, this is best done and more cost-effectively, in-house, by those with the detailed knowledge and understanding of the works involved and the points during the works when inspections / tests are required or appropriate, along with identifying the parties involved in the signing-off processes - similar to what is required for new works in the Canary Wharf area where another of our clients (an interior fitting out contractor) has done a great deal of work.


Good News - *1 - The recruitment group had a totally successful transition and surveillance audit - no issues raised, *2 - I have just finished the transition work for the scientific instruments company I mentioned earlier this year (see below) - now awaiting NQA audit in September, and *3 - On 31st August, the last of my group of East London based electrical contractors successfully transitioned from 9001:2008 to 2015 with no nonconformances.


LATEST NEWS - Spring / Early Summer 2018




Well ! - we have been very busy the last 10 months, hence the lack of my input to this news in that period.  Essentially, we have been doing lots of the same e.g. ISO9001 and 14001 'Transitions' to the 2015 version of these standards and lots of general H&S work, while we have noticed some of our construction related clients have gone quiet for a while, for reasons that may be self-evident (Carillion fall-out) if you keep in touch with the business and economic news.  To counter this, luckily, we have had new clients join us in parts of the construction and building maintenance sector where routine preventive maintenance requirements 'don't go away' just because of 'BREXIT' and a more unusual but highly specialist new client in the scientific equipment sector has come to us, this month (May) *2.  In early July we had some new interest from the MANUFACTURING and associated EXPORT sector for our ISO9001 services along with the RECRUITMENT sector in terms of the ISO9001:2015 Transition (leaving it a bit late for the September deadline !). 




There have been a lot of questions about GDPR (some are calling it - incorrectly - as far as the UK goes: Global Data Protection Regulation while its correct name in the UK and Europe is: General Data Protection Regulation) - either way, my recommendation is DON'T PANIC !! and DON'T pay lots of money to someone you have never heard of who's offering advice or training on the subject because it is likely they have NO practical experience with GDPR and will NOT be able to give you 100% clear, definitive advice or guidance - UNLESS they have some kind of proven practical experience in this area.  When a larger organisation has been successfully prosecuted by the ICO (the UK Government department* with responsibility for policing the 1998 Data Protection Act and the GDPR) under the regulation, this will be when 'case law' starts to be developed.  On Data Protection issues, your FIRST STOP for ADVICE should ALWAYS be the official UK Government website for the ICO (*Information Commissioner's Office) at the following link (you will have to copy and paste the below as I can't seem to make it an active link using point and click - sorry !):


If you need a simple policy statement for GDPR - its this: "We are aware of GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation) and are in the process of implementing its requirements so that if we are not already so, we will be, within a reasonably practicable time scale, fully compliant with its requirements" - Signed: (your name and position) Date: (now) - and so, if you REALLY ARE demonstrably in the process of implementing its requirements, even if you have only just started, but can show what you have done so far, if all is not already in place, then you can at least show you are not ignorant and are making an effort, should any 'interested party' (existing or prospective client, usually) needs to know.  Beyond this, I am not giving in-depth advice on GDPR because a lot of it, although not all of it, which I fully appreciate, is connected with information technology (IT)and electronic data which I am not personally an expert on.  You may well, however, ALSO need to check if your organisation is already REGISTERED under the 1998 Data Protection Act with the ICO - it is likely that you should be so if you hold or process any personal data e.g. on your employees / other workers, but the ICO provides an on-line questionnaire which you can use to establish whether or not your organisation SHOULD be registered.




We have provided ongoing support with ISO9001 and Health and Safety from the start to this Hertfordshire based NICEIC and NQA / UKAS accredited ISO9001 Certificated Electrical Contractor (this Client goes back to 1994), and most recently have just completed writing the answers to all but one of the long set of 'technical / quality' questions required for the Tender submission, aiming to win a contract for a year-long project with a public authority.  This came after we similarly helped, successfully, with the PQQ (Pre-Qualification Questionnaire for the same project).




We recently completed our input to an O&M Manual for another one of our long-standing Electrical Contractor Clients (this one also goes back to 1994).  This was for a major block of flats new wiring installation.




We are just completing the preparation for the ISO9001 2015 transition for another electrical contractor - (this Client, too, goes back to 1994) - their transition assessment with NQA will be in Springtime 2018.




Our client in the Film, TV and Media Production security industry is in the final stage of preparation for assessment for achievement of the SIA (Security Industry Authority) ACS (Approved Contractor Scheme) certification which should be completed in Spring time, 2018, having previously achieved UKAS accredited certification to the ISO9001 and associated security industry British Standards.


SECURITY SYSTEMS INSTALLER - Successful ISO9001 Transitions


The new security systems installer, East of London, who came to us earlier in 2017 succesfully passed their 2015 transition assessment with NSI for their Gold certification at the first attempt, in late 2017.


Our longer-standing security systems installer, Hertfordshire based, also successfully passed their ISO9001 NSI Gold transition in early 2018, at the first attempt.




Our Hillingdon, London based Security Systems Installer, expanding its existing NSI Gold (security) certification to embrace BAFE / NSI Fire Gold will have its initial on-site assessment in March 2018 with a view to achieving certification to both schemes around mid-2018.




Our recently joined new client in this field (reported on earlier on this page), initially asking only for help with their ISO9001 transition, has invited John back in April 2017 to help with their ongoing maintenance support for their ISO 9001 certification with NQA.




One of our recruitment clients (in a specialist industry sector) has, understandably, DROPPED their ISO9001 certification - after maintaining it for 24 years with the UKAS accredited certification body, NQA.  Why ? - it has NEVER helped them to get new business and just represents an unnecessary overhead cost and unnecessary bureacracy !  - John's comment: I have never encouraged any of my clients to go for ISO 9001 without their being sound justification in particular circumstances - going all the way back to 1991 - but I have always offered my help if a Client had decided for their own reasons to proceed with it.  Over the years, a few have dropped it and one in particular (an Electrical Contractor) dropped it and then picked it up gain a few years later after being TOLD by a client (a London local authority) that they HAD to HAVE IT as a condition of getting new work - So There You Go !

One of our older Fencing Contractor Clients back in Hillingdon required some help i.e. a completely a new and detailed, comprehensive Method Statement was needed to go into a Tender submission - John went along for the day and produced this (having done similarly on an earlier occasion) - this is the kind of work we often get asked to do - sometime Trevor is the best person to do this but sometimes the Method Statement needs to be more technical in nature in response to a specific Tender Question, rather than being solely an H&S document and this is where John's input is sometimes more appropriate.


LATEST NEWS - August 2017

On August 2nd, one of our Wembley based manned security clients was recommended for their ISO14001 2015 transition (UKAS accredited certification) for the environmental element of their already certificated 9001 / 14001 / 18001 integrated management system.  This company was also the first to have taken up our fully flowcharted full-colour management system in the early 2000s and is my only security client, to date, to have voluntarily opted to embrace UKAS accredited certification to all 3 of the international management system standards, most notable for inclusion of the health and safety option.
The London based manned security client mentioned below (in my July News) successfully completed stage 1 of a 2-stage approach to their ISO 14001 transition, by NSI, also, coincidentally, on August 2nd.  Stage 2 / transition completion will be in January 2017.
Near the end of the month: John and Trevor have just started work for a new security systems client in East London, wanting help with the ISO9001 2015 transition and then ongoing support for their NSI security systems and fire Gold / BAFE certifications and wanting help with health and safety management maintenance.


LATEST NEWS - July 2017

On July 6th, my largest manned security client received the initial NSI Assessor's notification that their 'Gold' ISO9001management system certificate would be recommended for certification transition to the 2015 issue of ISO 9001.  This is one of my clients with the full colour, fully flowcharted integrated management system that covers both Quality and Environmental Management requirements.  This company's environmental system ISO 14001 certification is provided separately by the BSI and they have already completed the first stage of the transition to 14001 2015 via the checklist completion and evaluation by a remote BSI Assessor - the on-site stage of the assessment will be completed in the first week of August - based to a large degree on the 9001 transition work I carried out for the company forthe recent 9001 transition.
I have started work on preparation for the Achilles Building Confidence (Level4, 1-Day Audit) scheme in early July with a New Client - a London based demolition and groundworks specialist.


LATEST NEWS - May / June 2017


I have a client in the manned security industry that is now facing a difficult choice because of the BSI's withdrawal from the SIA's Approved Contractor Scheme.  Although a few years ago, this follows NQA's withdrawal from the scheme.  These are two, BIG, UKAS accredited certification bodies and this leaves only 4, relatively small, players now acting as assessors on the SIA's behalf.  This is not necessarily a bad thing but if YOU are CURRENTLY with BSI you may be wondering which is the best alternative certification body to turn to - with only a choice of 4 such bodies now remaining as SIA authorised assessing bodies i,e, CCAS, NSI, ISOQAR and SSAIB.  There are plus and minus points attached to each of these listed bodies and your chouce could be based purely on their pricing or on who appears to be the best known or who your insurer or your clients' insurers appear to insist upon or who they actually insist upon - this usually being the most expensive of the 4 bodies.  You may also be weighing up whether you need to keep or can afford to lose, your separate ISO9001 certification, or whether you need to apply for it if not having done so before.  If you would like a chat about what the optimum, if not the best, route, is for you to take please give me a call or send an email.


Last week (ending 9th June), two of my clients receive dtheir recmmendations for re-certification to the 2015 issue of ISO9001.  One is a security and fire detection and alarm systems installer in West London and he other is a specialist distributor of hydraulic / pneumatic hoses and fittings in North West Surrey.  The security and fire company is certificated with NSI, while the distributor is registered with ISOQAR.


On June 2nd, our recently joined new client in the vertical movement design industry has just received its recommendation for transiiton approval against the new  ISO 9001: 2015 standard, from its UKAS accredited certification body - with no noncompliances / improvement needs raised against the transition work.  John's comments: "This has been an excellent project for us, and for me, personally, as this industry sector is a completely new one for me and getting the ISO 9001 transition through at the first time of asking has been rewarding after successfully negotiating the learning curve for this highly specialist business"


On 12th May, the UK sales and servicing division of a Japan-based high volume commercial printing machine maker (specialising in supply to the UK Government / Education & other Public Authorities sector) achieved the recommendation from its international UKAS accredited certification body for transition to the ISO 9001: 2015 standard.  This was based on John Lane's advisory and practical input to the business and the full co-operation of the Management Team in the transition process.  We have been providing Quality Management (ISO9001 related), Health, Safety (including CHAS accreditation support) and Environmental advisory and support services to this Hertfordshire based division of a worldwide group that is at the technological forefront of its industry, for more than 10 years.


LATEST NEWS - March / April 2017


Our crane hire client in North Suffolk will shortly be receiving their renewed Achilles ('UVDB') certificate after a highly successful assessment visit on 19th April, with John's assistance and attendance at the assessment visit, giving percentage scoring in the high 80's to high 90's - depending on which criteria is used - all achieving a much higher margin than is required by the big civil engineering contractors who select suppliers based on Achilles' system.


Our construction / fit-out client based in the North of the Irish Republic also successfully renewed their Achilles ('Building Confidence') certification in mid-March following John's preparation visit to their HQ.


One of our events and venue specialist security clients recently won the first, pre-qualification, round in their re-tender to retain an existing term contract with their local authority client, with John's help.


Our new engineering and heavy metal fabrication contractor successfully completed the first 2 stages of their ISO9001:2015 transition process at the end of March with BSI* - more about BSI below....


One of our longest-standing manned guarding security clients (going back to 1999) successfully completed the first (UNNECESSARY) 'readiness' stage of their ISO14001:2015 transition with the BSI* mid-March - this will be completed on-site across their next two surveillance visits in August and January - * More about the BSI below...


We are currently working on a fairly diverse range of ISO9001:2015 transition projects with a few more to be completed in May and others due in the couple of months following.  Its good that most of our established clients and the new ones coming to us are wanting to get ahead of the game with this NUISANCE 'transition' exercise and its interesting to see which Certification Bodies are making it out to be much bigger than it really needs to be and are making money out of it while others are just building it into the normal surveillance audit programme withour extra costs.  The BSI is the worst offender for screwing the maximum possible extra costs and unnecessary time input out of its clients. I can see that some firms will be wanting to migrate from BSI and other larger equivalents to the smaller / less expensive Certification Bodies over the next year or so now that they are seeing BSI, etc. for what they really are, and I don't mean professional.


LATEST NEWS - January / February 2017


We have been getting those of our clients with ISO 9001 and 14001 through the 2015 transition with their respective certification bodies without any problems and it is clear that the certification bodies and their assessors are, generally, trying very hard not to put up artifical obstacles in the assessment process against the new or changed requirements.


Just as an 'aside': I think that some assessors, however, who are used to and seem to like the old 'clause by clause' quality manuals can be a little harder to please but this is easily resolved by replacing them with a simple cross reference index given as an appendix just to show we have looked at and understand the new standard and how it relates to a company's existing management system's explanatory/ instructional documents.  Some certification bodies are saying you don't need to do this BUT, there again, they also said, last time around for the 2000 revisions, that ONLY the handful of so-called 'mandatory' procedures had to be written down - and that did not work very wll either (it was just a sales pitch) - becasue NONE of THOSE procedures would tell you anything about how the business runs.


LATEST NEWS - October 2016




This South of England based company selected JLBC after weighing up our competition and found our comprehensive quality, health, safety and environmental offer to be the best.





This South of England based consulting and design company selected JLBC after weighing up our competition, finding John Lane to be the best option.



LATEST NEWS - August / September 2016




In August it was confirmed that one of my passenger transportation clients has won a tender to retain their existing local authority business for another few years.  This was good news all round.  This year, my client having learnt so much about the local authority tendering process, with my input, made my job so much easier by working closely with me - face-to-face across the table (literally) to answer all the 'tricky' quality and value for money questions in the invitation to tender (ITT) pack.  Pricing was also an issue - and I cannot help with this except to act as a sounding board and to advise NOT to go for the 'loss leader' approach where, clearly, this would lead to the contract being untenable, financially.  Even my client admitted that in the competitive tendering situation, their is a great temptation to be drawn into the race in an 'auction' atmosphere but its always better to stick to your guns on pricing when you know you cannot afford to go below a certain figure - and in this case it paid off !


From the 20+ years I have been involved in helping companies tender to government and public authorities, I have learned a lot !




So - it seems that some ISO9001 and 14001 Assessors are getting their heads around the 2015 standards and I'm starting to see some sensible, low-key interpretations of the biggest of the new requirements.  This is good !


IIts becoming clear that the UKAS accredited certification bodies are running scared of losing clients due to their (correct) assumption or suspicion that these organisations will cite the anticipated 'extra work' to be the 'straw that will break the camel's back', on top of the all the previovusly required bureacracy that the old 9001 and 14001 standards were imposing.  This has meant that the cert. bodies have been and are, taking a much softer approach towards what they are wanting to see as eidence of comliance with the extra requirements.


IIt also appears that, so far, even with the more bureacratic cert. bodies such as NSI (the security industry specialist) they are working hard NOT to frighten off their clients.  I have just finsihed analysing NSI's guidance on the 2015 9001 standard and while extensive and voluminous in their comments against every clause in the standard, the actual amount of new / additional work that they are indicating as mandatory or requiring substantial change is minimal compared with my own expectations.


I have also notcied that the cert. bodies are falling over themselves and eachother to try to get consultant to work for them by bringing them new business - another, and continuing but growng, sign that they all face stiff competition.  As I have said before in this column - I am fortunmate enought to find myself listed as a consultant with a number of cert. bodies - but NOT on the basis of any guarantees of exclusivity on either side - so I can still maintain my 'independent broker' approach.




LATEST NEWS - February to May 2016




Or: "Oh dear... What a big fuss over not very much"


So - after much fussing and fiddling (mostly fiddling to get the U.S.A. on board, so I gather, in order to keep them 'ISO' standards), and the BSI trying to charge us extra for 'advance copies' before the final issue came out in September, last year, we finally got the 2015 versions of 9001 & 14001.  So - they have been completely re-written.  And guess what the distilled essence of the advice is from some - if not all - certification bodies ? - "DON'T RE-WRITE YOUR SYSTEM - JUST TWEAK IT"...


...and THAT is EXACTLY what I have started doing with those of our Clients who already have certification to either or both of these standards, and will continue so, during the course of this year and 2017.  There won't be anywhere near as much work involved as you will have been led to believe by some other organisations.


To those of you who've NOT yet attained certification: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T GO to an unaccredited certification body (offering NO Crown & Tick logo - its Her Majesty's CROWN that's important, set in the UKAS tick box) that promises you a manual and a certificate all in 30 days - It's quite likely to cost you a fortune more in the long run if your key Client(s) that wanted you to have this certification have sussed that you've avoided the Crown & Tick UKAS Accreditation.




My last article (below) was a scathing indictment of (some) certification bodes BUT, TO BE FAIR one of my clients and I had an absoluetly superb experience with another one (not mentioend below), i.e. SMALLER one, that worked extremely hard with us to provide desperately needed clarification of the medical devices European statutory and regulatory compliance requirements (e.g. 'CE' marking and more).  This particular certification body pulled out all the stops to give us the help we needed and culimtaed in a highly successful site visit incorporating a thorough survey, oral and follow-up written reporting on what actions were needed to ensure full compliance with the (very) confusing wording and equally confusing array of regulations and standards involved.  One of the contributory factors to this oustanding service was, perhaps, the hope that my client might switch their current certification body to this one - but in any case, I have to give credit where credit is due.




In late 2015 John started work with one of the smaller, specialist plant hire companies in East Anglia - to help attain the Achilles UVDB accreditation.  Unfortunately, the warrior with fatal flaw performed very badly and let this client down by agreeing a February 2016 assessment date (we were dictated to that the assessment HAD to be NO LATER than February) but failed to book this into their systeme - this certainly WAS the fatal flaw in our case.  More than 2 months later we finally had the assessment - which was very successful, giving an overall percentage score of between 90 and 95 (to be confirmed - awaiting written report) - This however did not make up for the fact that the warrior with the fatal flaw effectively caused this client to lose approx. 2 months' work with one of its oldest clients who had recently decided to use that organisation to assess / approve its sub-contractors.




"After paying the EXCESSIVELY LARGE FEE up-front to Achilles in late 2015, and then until the on-site assessment by the Achilles Auditor, both my Client and I were extremely unimpressed with the fatally flawed warrior's administration and Auditor scheduling processes.  After communicating the problem with that organisation, we were still left feeling annoyed that no higher level manager took the trouble to respond to our complaint or to apologise.  The only saving grace of the whole sorry affair was that the Auditor who finally was assigned to the company was very professional, promised that the Client would get a call from a senior person in the organisation and the assessment proess went extremely well.  The Auditor himself felt quite embarrassed that we had such a bad experience and that the Client had not had 'closure' on it prior to his visit.


"Another one of my Clients, one that wanted ISO 9001 and associated British Standards' certifications, had, prior to my involvement with them, wasted around £ 3 K on payments to probably the BEST KNOWN management systems certification body, for several assessment visits that were all totally unproductive - partly because the 3 different Assessors - a different one at each Assessment visit - failed to understand the comapny's business and services and the industry it served, and at which my Client was given significantly conflicting advice by different assessors.  This useless and time and cost wasting exercise also cost the company around 6 months wasted timescale - leaving me only less than 3 months to get them ready for waht was, finally, due to my input, a totally successful ISO 9001 certification assessment."


"Another of my Clients experienced, in late 2015, an Assessor who did his best to belittle my Client's representative , a very experienced and capable Operations Director for an installation company who was very professional throughout and did not let on that he was quite annoyed with the Assessor's attitude.  After I formally complained to the Certification Body (on my Client's behalf) - one of the top five in the UK and internationally, we received an immediate response and a customer complaint process second-to-none.


The moral to these stories is NEVER BE AFRAID TO MAKE A STRONG COMPLAINT AS SOON AS YOU FEEL THAT YOU HAVE BEEN LET DOWN OR MISLED - ESPECIALLY BY AN ACCREDITATION OR CERTIFICATION BODY - THEY NEED YOUR BUSINESS.  People sometimes feel afraid to compain to what they see as high-minded organisations who give the impression they are above being prepared to apologise or to correct a serious mistake.  Achilles charges a MASSIVE amount of money for what they do - way, way more than I think is reasonable for the service they provide - but they don't appear to have a satisfactory customer complaints process aimed at Clients in the 'sub-contractor' category.  Achilles, I think, sees this category of Client as 'not worth the bother' because it is the BIG comapnies they are really interested in i.e. those  who USE the sub-contractors - If enough of these sub-contractor Clients complaint to Achilles they might just start to get the message that they NEED the smaller companies.  I know at least 3 of my Clients who have found the Achilles 'Building Confidence' scheme to be a complete time and money waster and have pulled out of it because it guarantees no business whatsoever UNLESS you already have Client that has told you that you MUST have this accreditation before than give you work, and if you already have been given an assurance that you can trust that you WILL get the work order once you have attnained the Achilles accreditation."




NEWS - December 2015


To those of you who are return viewers of this site, the change in format and presentation has been enforced upon me by the 1&1 web site hosting company which is currently engaging in, to put it politely, 'suspect' practices designed to secure increased fees for my custom but in so doing, are offering significantly less in terms of web site capacity and functionality - thus the 25 pages I was allowed previously is now reduced to just 5.  Therefore, the current site you are looking at may well be a temporary measure until 1&1 sees the error of its ways or until I move to a different web site service provider.  Those of you who know me, however will be aware that I favour the provision of useful, factual, information rather than relying on bold visual effects.  It also appears that when copying across some of my archive news stories from the old web site to this one, some text has been lost but enventually this will be corrected, I hope this revised web site will at least whet your appetite - and if you would like more information please don't hesitate to contact me, on:



M: 07941 391 137


Full contact and address details are given on the 'Contact Us' page.


NEWS - November 2015


Incredibly, 2015 has been our second busiest year ever - so busy in fact that I have had virtually time to update this new page since April. We have seen some new interest in ISO9001 and ISO 14001 and I'm sure we'll be doing some upgrade work for people who have invested in those standards and who need to move to the 2015 versions of both, while personally, I have spent of my time working on tenders and pre-qualification questionnaires. We are now gaining much more work in East Anglia resulting from our new home office in Sudbury, Suffolk.


NEWS - March - April 2015


BS 8507-1,and BS 8507-2 - the British Standards' Codes of practice for Close Protection Services (within and outside of the UK) now fall within John's remit, having helped to implement them with an existing Client, an Events stewarding, crowd safety and security services provider, March.  In March we added a cleaning specialist - no, really - a specialist - a company that cleans and valets executive private jets !  Just in case, from recent news postings, you thought we only serve the security industry - we Clients in the food and dairy produce / processing / manufacturing sector as well as in construction, civil engineering, building maintenance, facilities management, engineering and recruitment industries (to name only a few).





A Hertfordshire based CCTV, ACCESS CONTROL and INTRUDER ALARM ins maintenance specialist asked John Lane in December 2014 to help manage th maintenance of its existing NSI Gold UKAS Accredited certification, from a leavin had been the company's Quality Manager, to the management team collectively. NEWS - The handover went very well, culminating in a very positive and su Surveillance Assessment visit on March 3rd. John had helped the managem more fully understand the NSI Gold requirements so that the whole team co take over the management if its own system whereas previously it was man person. 

A Pinewood Studios, Buckinghamshire based FILM, TV & MEDIA PRODUCT specialist service provider asked John Lane in January 2015 to help complete for ISO9001 certification (with the BSI), Final BSI assessment was targeted for 2015. The company had already done some work towards this but wanted a little support and mentoring on the finer points of the ISO and related specialist Standards - this company sccessfully received its recommendation for certifici BSI Assessor (who happened to be one of the BSI's specialist industry sec Assessment Team Managers) on 26th February. The certification scope als British Standards (Codes of practice) - and in March a further three Codes should be added to the ISO900 1 certification scope by BSI.

Coincidentally, we have also have a well established Middlesex based Crane Lifting Client - that regulary serves the Film and TV production industry at Pinewood-Shepperton Studios.  One of our earliest clients, going back to 1996, an HVAC and Electrical Contractor, originally based in Wembley - has returned. The company was taken over several years ago and d ISO 9001 certification with NQA in favour of the pre-existing certifications held by took them over. The company is now back under its original Directorship and ha come back to help reinstate ISO 9001 and to add ISO 14001 into the mix - again UKAS Accredited Certification Body (part of the NICEIC Group). This was really nice to be called back to a client that for the last 5 years was thought to have gone because of the change in ownership and policy.



Hampshire based established client - General Purpose Security Dogs and E specialist - Client - we are helping this company to achieved the SIA ACS follow achievement of NSI Gold and SAFEContractor.

Yorkshire based CCTV install, service and monitoring company - we are sh existing client with NSI Gold certification.

Manned security services provider in NW London - existing client - We reporte established client is expanding existing 9001 / NSI Gold scope to embrace OHSA ALSO: ISO 14001 environmental management certification scope added to certif programme with John's help.

Our No1 Associate, Kathryn Ebdon is now preparing a company for ISO 27 this is one of Kathryn's own, non-JLBC clients but Kathryn can now bring this exp clients also!



North-West London based private hire cab company - established client - pre John to WIN 2 new Local Authority contracts in 2012/2013 - SUCCESSFULLY co UKAS Accredited certification (ISO 9001 and 14001 Quality and Environmental) week of October 2014 (using the certification body, IMS). The plan now is to win authority contracts with the significant extra PQQ and tender scorings that will be new certifications.

Specialist in smoke extraction systems - Dorset based - NEW client referred t established client: Constructionline accreditation achieved in October 2014. CHA accreditation targete for November and them to prepare for UKAS accredited cer 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Also using John's services to help comple gain preferred supplier status.

Manned security services provider in Yorkshire - NEW CLIENT - John & Trevo to help with ongoing maintenance of management systems and certifications incl Gold scope, plus SIA ACS and Health & Safety accreditations.

Security sytems installation and maintenance provider in Hertfordshire - Joh commissioned to help with ongoing maintenance of existing NSI Gold registration Safety accreditation.



As first mentioned in July: Security services provider (general purpose secur event security specialist) - NEW client referred to John Lane by a security indu ACHIEVED NSI Gold accreditation AND SafeContractor accreditation, with Jo August.



- Manned security services provider in NW London - existing client - is expand NSI Gold scope to embrace OHSAS 18001 by December 2014 with John's help.

- Drylining specialist in W. London - existing client - expanding existing ACHILL confidemce', Constructionline and CHAS accreditations / scope to embrace ISO 14001 with inexpensive UKAS accredited certification body, IMS, with Kathryn's

- Security services provider (manned and electronic systems) - Herts based signed up John to provide advice and document support to current SSAIB UKAS to include ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 for all group operations.

- Specialist in smoke extraction systems - NEW client referred to JLBC by an - signs up JLBC to help with Constructionline and CHAS/ SSIP accreditation and for UKAS accredited certifications to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. John's services to help complete client PQQs.

- Security services provider (general purpose security dogs and event secu NEW client referred to John Lane by a security industry contact - passes Stage 1 assessment process - Stage 2 due for completion in early August.

- North West London based private hire cab company - established client - pr by John to WIN 2 new Local Authority contracts in 2012/2013 - to complete Stag Accredited certification (ISO 9001 and 14001 Quality and Environmental) assess 2014.

- Suffolk based security and fire system installer - NEW client in 2013 - gains fire systems business, to complement its existing NSI Gold for security systems, all with JLBC's help




My Client specialises in structural repairs to older road (heavy load-bearing) bridg a significant amount of repeat business from a particular local authority around th for such work. He is interested in going into some kind of joint arrangement that to more easily fund this work, which could then expand as he would be in a posit work more widely.

If your are one of my existing or past Client and find this to be an interesting opp you in touch with my Client If you are not one of my existing or past Clients plea probably be less inclined to forward your details.


SECURITY BUSINESS LICENSING - LATEST (*See also my "Offers You Can't Refuse"

If you have received my recent security industry mailshot, and your service mainly the provision of *Door Supervisor / Event Security services*, then yo spotted my error in not including a set of prices in my costing table for these serv apologies for this omission. If you would like to drop me a email or call me I will g revised version of the document containing the Door Supervisor pricing for my se Door Supervisor services will generally be the least time consuming and thus, for me to help with as, so far, BS 7858 is not required and neither is any requirem 7499 / 7984 type permanent control room.  Because of this, and for very one particular very local (to my home address) Do Event Security Client only, I have been able to agree an incredibly low-cost cns deal of only £ 500 (plus VAT) fully inclusive of all expenses and the provision (el necessary / appropriate documentation, in order to get the company up to speed UKAS Accredited Certification Body assessment against BS 7960 in order to achieve a business license. This would have been more expensive, had BS 7858 (screening), BS 7499 (manned guarding) &/or BS 7984 (keyholding) been required as would have bee static site / mobile patrol / keyholding security contractor.

Please note that the £ 500 is virtually a half-price offer, but I was keen to ente agreement on the basis that my Client is keen to move, which has provided me w conveiently timed early-January work in the quiet period just after the Xmas/New he decided for himself (NO PROMPTING FROM ME !) to get ahead of the game his Licensing 3rd Party SIA assessment as soon as the start date for assessmen April THIS year. He saw no reason to wait and wanted to be seen by the Police (many of whom are local government related) to be ahead of the game and to be professional approach - and he will be marketing his company's services accordi

Several other potential new Clients with whom I have spoken are taking the view long enough, the SIA will delay their October 2014 deadline for a company to sta process. THIS IS almost certainly a FALSE ASSUMPTION and will mean that so REALLY WILL fail to get their licenses on time and the SIA will NOT be lenient - stated repeatedly recently. The SIA is also mooting that those who start early wi some or all of the licensing costs until next year so there may not be a clear over in delaying the exercise.




You will need to be licensed by April 2015 and license applications can be put in Please ote that the SIA is making no noisesabout pushing back the April 2015 da warning that leaving your application until the last minute will be NO EXCUSE if y granted a license by the deadline because its still in progress in their system. In you SHOULD START YOUR APPLICATION PROCESS IN APRIL 2014. It will a for you to do this because it will give you time to gently implement the British Sta requirements over a period of months rather than trying to do everyhting at the la rush - better also to spread the clsts for my support over a number of months rat incur all in just a month or so.

I have produced a detailed information and costs document showing MY costs fo documentation and advice along with estimates, where possible, of certification b carrying out the assessment / inspections visits that SIA will required before you you license. Unfortunately, the SIA has NOT as yet set ITS OWN costs for licens keep an eye on the SIA web site for this. I have also shown where I can discoun depending on the size / type of your business and which parts of your in-house w be subcontracted out (usually the security screening (vetting) and control room o would greatly reduce my time and costs to help you comply with the British Stand

I am happy to send you the information pack with no obligation if you just send m name and email address - I don't make chase-up calls except where I have been so you won't be pestered.

Early NOVEMBER 2013


The SIA has finally decided to license security business after much 'umming and security officer licensing came 7 or more years ago.

The official guidance is available on the SIA web site now, but in essence it looks support will only be needed to help those companies that have not already done the relevant British Standards i.e. BS 7499 for manned guarding, mobile patrols, the equivalents for event security, cash-in-transit, door supervision services, etc. have to comply with BS 7858 for security screening although I suspect there will for even security in this respect.

Call me for a FREE ADVISORY & GET STARTED visit if within a reasonable travelling radius.


This client has won its 3rd MAJOR CONTRACT in a row with a major UK Govern in London based on my Tender preparation work. The only part of the current te preceding ones that was done by my client was the pricing.  The technical and quality questions were answered by myself as were the pre-tender supporting documents - policies, procedures, forms and I helped to collate and present the records used to support the tender.


NEWS - MAY 2013


BS 25999 - Business Continuity - Replaced by BS ISO 22313:2012

Business Continuity is something I have not mentioned to date, I think, in this col who is interested, I have an association with a certification assessor, working for inernational, UKAS Accredited Certification Bodies, who is also a part-time consu specialist knowledge and experience in setting up business continuity systems (B particular attention, as is necessary, being given to the IT aspects of disaster rec that can be put up for UKAS Accredited certification.

The BS 25999 standard, is, shortly, by the way, to be replaced by the already-pu 22313:2012 standard, the obvious difference being that it has now been adopted international standard by those nations that subscribe to the ISO.

So if you need help in this area my associate and I can help.

I should make the distinction between a BCM that is fit for UKAS Accredited certi documented BCM that we routinely provide, that is more than adequate for PQQ purposes - the latter being an integral part of the package we offer for PQQs and formner being a much, much bigger animal, particularly in companies who are to for all aspects of their operation.


BS 110000

I am advising a client on a new standard that's doing the rounds amongst the larg and contractors - BS 11000 (I wonder when they'll invent one called BS 1066 giv guidelines on how to successfully invade and settle another county - sorry, its be Bayeux tapestry)).

Please forgive my schoolboy sense of humour - BS 11000 is not so very far awa it is defined as: BS 11000-1:2010 Framework specification for collaborative busin - perhaps if William (the Conqueror) and Harold had this one in front of them it co out better (well, for the Anglo Saxons and Celts, at least) - but it would have need European (EN) standard for William to have taken it seriously. I could go on - lik Normans were originally kind-of Vikings from Scandinavia who settled in France, recently learned, but I should stop there.

Seriously (I'll try to be, anyway) - BS 11000 is something that is currently bein one of my clients in the construction services sector. The BSI claims that ad standard will "set your organisation apart through better business relationships". snake oil cure from BSI.

Honestly, as with most BS and ISO standards I can see the common sense in th wonder WHY the BSI feels the need to write down so much "common sense" for follow. I really do think this standard smacks of the BSI looking, as usual. to mak way it can, and (as is often the case) with the willing co-operation of big business don't know any better, BUT SHOULD and who should have better things to do w money, like NOT using sweat shops outside the UK, and PAYING their taxes like but that's another story.


This standard tells you how to work in partnership with other organisations.

Am I the only one who who stands aghast at the notion that big - and I mean rea companies, do not already know how to work with their suppliers - because, lets going to tell their clients they must follow a particular standard are they? (unless can get away with it, I guess). We all know that your client will TELL you what th they expect and the idea that they will really work in true partnership with you is, Collaboration means the lesser organisation doing the stronger organisation's bid

So - if you want some pragmatic, common-sense, no-nonsense advice on this st can help, and without it costing you a fortune. I looked to see how many certifica offering UKAS Accredited (crown and tick) certification to this standard and I'm n them do, as yet. BSI pie in the sky perhaps? Probably NOT worth taking seriou companies start getting certificated with UKAS accreditation.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ March 2013


A West London based civil engineering company, over the course of the last two successfully completed stages one and two assessments for the 'big three' stand company has, in effect, achieved integrated management system certification ag standards. It has been hard work, not helped by the fact that the BSI could not m assessor who was qualified to assess against the three standards concurrently, a different assessors were assigned to the overall process i.e. a different one for e standard. Imagine - getting to know six different assessors - all with different per having to explain your business six times over...but the end result was excellent noncompliances throughout.

The BSI Assessors are also more often hard to please - simply because it IS TH not recommend using BSI as the certification body - it was foisted upon us by ou who had of course, also insisted upon the three UKAS accredited certifications a condition of trading in the first place - I know this is dead against the UKAS rules field between certification bodies - but there you go - I guess this makes the BSI equals? (in the view of some).

I also have to give credit where credit is due for the success of our consultancy s project - I have been so busy with Tenders, major PQQs - including a couple of B submissions (the Builders Profile web based systems are AWFUL), O&M Manua related projects that my full time Health & Safety Consultant / Business Manager and our Associate Consultant, Kathryn Ebdon did all the hard work. Well done to

PS While this project has been going on - we started back in August last year - I increasing demand for the set of three-standards - and particularly from the civil - being driven by the major players I suspect e.g. Balfour Beatty, etc. - I see a lot QMS, QAS, etc. but I can't see that (unaccredited certification) lasting for long if t in the railway sector - watch this space!

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ November 2012


One of our long-standing clients - since 1994 - an NICEIC approved electrcial co won a second major installation contract with a major city authority - this time for associated fire compartmentation (builders) works, following an earlier contract w installation and upgrade works. In 2012, both of these contracts were of course basis of price but in both cases, John Lane personally prepared the entire PQQ a submissions, except for the pricing elements.



After a gruelling PQQ and tendering process, protracted by the client asking for v items of information after the initial tender submission had been submitted, a priv company in North West London has won a contract with two London Councils for special needs private hire transport services. John Lane's personal input to the t consisted of preparing the PQQ and tender submission packages, except for the that was entirely completed by the client.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ October 2012


Background: As some of you know, although most of our clients are involved dire construction with many also in facilities maintenance, we also have a niche client services, which I guess is a related industry after all - comprising both manned s keyholding, mobile patrols, etc.) and security systems installation and maintenan

In October 2012, not just ONE but TWO of our clients won category FIRST PRIZ security industry SECURITY EXCELLENCE AWARDS:

SSR PERSONNEL was the category winner for: SECURITY RECRUITMENT CO OF THE YEAR. SSR first started using my services in 1993.



To both, Well done!

* Magenta Security Services Ltd. achieved UKAS Accredited ISO14001 certificat 2002 and was the first security company operating in the UK to achieve this aw services operations - beating the entire UK security industry - and we believe first security company in the world to have done this at that time. Many, of co followed since ! - Magenta FIRST WON the Security Excellence Award in the category in 2009.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEPTEMBER 2012

THE CYCLE REPEATS - more interest once again ISO 9001 & 14001 & 1800 ACHILLES, LINK-UP, BUILDING CONFIDENCE, etc.

It seems that as it was in the early 1990s and as it has happened maybe one or t there is a renewed increase in the number of national and mult-national business government / public authorities who are seriously using UKAS accredited certific management standards as a make or break when deciding on approved supplier through the PQQ process before ITTs are offered.

At the same time, it seems that the smaller you are, the more likely it is that you ISO trap as most bigger customers are still, as always, recognising the excellent micro-business' offer on real-life product and service quality.

So, it is usually the small but fast growing firms that find themselves up against m stiffer competition which leads to the decision to raise marketplace profile by add looking badges to their letterheads and web sites.

This can be a very good idea - depending on your target customer types, so it m the best or only way forward.


If you ask me for an honest opinion - I'll always give it - even if it means I walk ou without an order! ... until maybe circumstances or requirements dictate that you

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AUGUST 2012


At the end of August I finished a major tender submission for a private passenge seeking to gain specialist work with a government authority. This was not an unu I had previously managed two tenders for a courier company seeking light goods medical services courier work with local NHS authorities.

It needs to be said that most tenders are won or lost on price and even a 100% s elements of the tender submission except the pricing will not often counteract a l pricing - BUT it CAN make a difference and will raise your profile with the custom your business appears to be as professional as the 'big boys' you are competing that you will be asked back to tender again next time around.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MARCH / APRIL 2012

ACHILLES - More 1st-Attempt 100% Success Stories

Since I last wrote about our 100% success rate with getting companies thro ACHILLES stage 2 ('Building Confidence') on-site assessment in Septembe helped TWO new clients through their ACHILLES on-site assessment with NO le noncompliances i.e. the ones that mean corrective action work has to be done w visit with more cost for same is involved (IN FACT - one of these had NO NONC ALL !) - AND we helped a long-standing client through their 2nd ACHILLES asse no level 1 or 2 noncompliances.

It is nice to get this kind of success for our clients - and so far all at the first attem think this is because we are very experienced with these schemes and on-site as that we do more than sufficient preparation - and consequently our Clients also p on-site inspection day.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ JANUARY 2012 - Wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DECEMBER 2011 - COMMENT

'Simple' Management Systems - ISO 9001, 14001 and OHSAS 18001, etc.

A lot is said in the ISO world about ‘simple’ management systems including com simple stupid’ (KISS) and so on.

Even certification body / registrar assessors love to talk about the handful of ‘com procedures needed to satisfy ISO 9001 requirements e.g. internal auditing, mana etc. – and never mind about documenting in any detail what your business actua living. Well - that may be ‘simple’ but I think its also ‘stupid’.

I have not yet discovered an ISO assessor or consultant or certification body that a truly ‘simple’ management system – let alone a simple INTEGRATED manage which embraces THREE standards and not just the one.

Why is this? I think that now, more than ever before, it is because the requireme these standards (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001) to comply with statut requirements makes it practically impossible to demonstrate compliance without of research and producing a great deal of documented evidence of this research


and to demonstrate an UNDERSTANDING of the legislation and regulations befo to the implement their requirements.

So – before you allow yourself to be seduced into believing the claims of the cure-all consultant, stop and think and ask yourself the question: “if it sounds to easy) to be true – might that be because it really isn’t true”.

There is no need for management systems to be unnecessarily complicated BUT problem: how do we decide what IS and what is NOT complicated ? - the TRUTH matter of opinion and has more to do with what YOU in particular want to get out system or the certificate that goes with it. I have produced an entirely flowcharte management system format that some of my clients LOVE and others just DON'T all. This is NOT a reflection of intelligence or understanding - but it IS a reflection RIGHT and APPROPRIATE for YOU or for YOUR ORGANISATION. Some of u you would a book and others like instructional information to be more 'visual' in n matter of preference.

Maybe what consultants REALLY mean (and assessors are often implicated in th say they’ll give you or that you should have a ‘simple’ system is that they’ll do all documentation work for you – which, conveniently for the consultant, you may no won’t be able to maintain on your own – so you will HAVE to call the consultant b every year – at great cost no doubt, to maintain it all FOR you.

So doesn’t this really mean that its better for you to participate in and fully unders process of developing and implementing a management system, whether its for q and safety or environmental management ? – and don’t make the mistake of taki system that’s both expensive and that only the consultant and assessor can und

I am sure also that what is 'simple' to one person is not necessarily 'simple' to an important thing is to have a system that you understand and that works for you a you.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEWS - NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2011

Our approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: John Lane is providing, on a vo business mentoring service to a young business entrepreneur through local Cha Commerce.

More Clients are asking for help with ACHILLES - Interios fit-out company due fo assessment in february have got through the on-line registration ropoecss succe december 2011.Construction

Industry Recruitment & Site Ancillary Services Client wanting a combined ISO 90 OHSAS 18001 certifciation (with UKAS accredited BMTrada): Passed their Stage Stage 2 (final) assessment now scheduled for January 2012.

Arboricultural services (tree surgery) Client wanting ISO 9001 & 14001: Obtained (with UKAS accredited BSI) back in July 2011 and had their BSI Stage 1 ISO 140 November - with Stage 2 BSI assessment due in January 2012.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEWS - SEPTEMBER 2011


All the companies we have helped with ACHILLES so far have passed their on-s with some additional information needing to be provided (and this was done 'com required) within 5 days of completing the audit.

We are now helping another company with ACHILLES and we still have another complete.



Its always nice to hear from an old client that has not needed our help for a few y security clients (into manned, electronic security and parking management syste with a request for help this week - haven't seen them for two and a half years and started with them in the mid-1990s, so this is always good news and confirms sa past service quality.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEWS - July 2011


We are currently working for two Dublin based companies who have operations i UK that are being expanded to capitalise on the comparitively better UK trading c

ACHILLES (Did nobody tell them Achilles was best known for his vulnerabl

Perhaps I've missed the point but an organisation calling itself Achilles, taking its legendary Greek warrior who was killed by an arrow to his heel, is surely unwise a name associated with a lethal weakness? - and this is the one that's being use railway and London Underground related main contractors to select their supplie remember the fable of the King's new clothes?

I am currently taking building refurbishment / fit-out contractors through th 'Building confidence' / 'Level 5 Core Audit' process. I WAS initially surprise Achilles claims ISO 9001 certification by the BSI for three of its UK location taken on UKAS ('Crown and Tick') accreditation for its core service of carry assessment/inspection process akin to that operated by the UKAS accred bodies when assessing firms against standards such as ISO 9001, 14001, O etc. The reason of course is obvious - Achilles would have to demonstrate carrying out a far more thorough audit process than it actually does becaus allow anywhere near the amount of time that UKAS determines is necessar the plethora of BS, ISO and other standards which its Level 5 Core audit m requires or heavily implies that any business (however large or small) shou to and implementing e.g. How many firms do you think have even HEARD o alone have a management system for it that could be put up for assessmen accredited certification body. In a lot of areas, as long as you have a brief p topic or another and you have communcated it - that is all you need to satis implementation is not audited. The Achilles Level 5 Core audit Module LOO comprehensive audit process but it is NOT.

Those of you who know me know what I think abour UNACCREDITED certifiatio Achilles seems to me to be just that - a quasi-certification body. It has cleverly g certification for three of its UK offices but it does NOT put itself up for the rigorou UKAS would carry out to show Achilles to be more than just another unaccredite scheme that does not have to PROVE itself through third party assessment, to a

BE SURE you REALLY NEED to be on the ACHILLES register, before you p money - Achilles is a VERY expensive - with NO GUARANTEES of getting n attached.

And what about clients like some of mine, who have ALREADY established and and ISO 14001 management systems that are UKAS Accredited and who ALSO CHAS, EXOR, CONSTRUCTIONLINE and SAFECONTRACTOR - all of which c to maintain? Do these companies get a price reduction from Achilles because th NOT need to look at these aspects? - it does not appear so.

So, even MORE duplication of effort and cost loaded onto smaller contractors so contractors can feel that they have covered their backside legally and lots of mon awards / certifictaion bodies who seem not to be as answerable as they should b


NEWS - March 2011

New 'Microgeneration Certification Scheme'- CAN YOU REALLY AFFORD I

I was just asked today (March 9th) about this scheme by one of my Electrical Co Well - its unnecessarily expensive, for a start - and that's without even considerin It is largely based on ISO 9001 requirements but not all of them and arguably lea of them. There seems to be in fact a great deal more emphasis on written proce technical understanding and expertise. Frankly I think it must be around double t should reasonably be i.e. the charges you HAVE to pay to register with and be a certificated by a third party scheme assessing body. I checked out the prices ch (the sister company to the NICEIC) and the BRE (what we used to know as the B Establishment - which now seems to have turned itself into a money-making ente the independent but kind-of UK Government recognised, highly respected buildin scientific research organisation that I think it once was. I can understand any org or needing to survive monetarily - but not by fleecing small businesses / contract if I am reading this right, that if you want to be involved with the grant fonding for generation systems, you need to be in this scheme - Good Luck! Maybe if enou steer clear of it, the prices will tumble?

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEWS - February 2011


After I put in a winning Pre-Qualification ('PQQ') submission, last November, be shortlisted for the Invitation to Tender ('ITT')process, I just completed the tend contract with a housing association wanting maintenance - reactive and planned housing stock.

I don't do the pricing element as this is outside of my experience - but I worked a excellent quantity surveyor who had been recruited by my client to cover this asp We and our mutual client worked extremely well as a team to complete the tende timescale. We now await the result but I was happy to offer a percentage refund arrangements if the tender is not won and is confirmed by the housing associatio my input to the technical and quality, health, safety and environmental submissio than due to price.

An important issue arose with the tender for the above contract. My client to tell me that he would need my help until some 3 weeks AFTER he was gi package. This put me under extraordinary pressure when I already had a v book for the month. In order to complete this tender, I would have to work several evenings and would have no contingency time available. I was forc higher price than normal - partly as compensation but frankly also as a pun client's foolishness and ignorance in thinking thatI could do 5 days' work-work at the drop of a hat. He has now learnt his lesson. NEVER expect an been established for 20 years and who already has a large and demanding immediately available and to do a LOT of work with an unreasonable period notice at all). My Client's Operations Manager advised me that in all his (20 the industry, he has seen a LOT of people doing this type of work but NOTH seen was as good as the quality of MY work - THANKS ! - its nice sometime I always knewI was good but you don't always get to hear HOW good.


We started working for a contractor back in December, to help the firm to achieve certification to both ISO 9001 and 14001 at the same time with a deadline for cer Springtime 2011. We are so far reasonably close to schedule - this company wil OHSAS 18001 UKAS accredited certification later this year, having already gaine accreditation for their existing health and safety regime. CHAS, as many of you getting MUCH HARDER to achieve - so when the health and safety 18001 projec


will be much EASIER to gain due to the hard work that has already had to be don maintain the CHAS requirements.

A great post-script to this project is that I was introduced by my client to an who had bidded against me to help the client with this project but was unsu because of a gap in their experience for the particular work required, not du general competence - and so we have decided to work together on some fu this just goes to show that an apparent win/lose situation really can be tur become a WIN-WIN if a positive attitude is expressed by all concerned.


The SSAIB certification project mentioned was successfully completed with appr expected, in writing, in March 2011.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEWS - November 2010

SSAIB and Police URNs for Small Security and Fire Installer

I am currently taking a small security and fire systems installer in Middlesex throu SSAIB certification route so that they can obtain Police URNs for their monitored having to use another installer for commissioning. The advantage of this route o do NOT have to do ISO9001 AND you do NOT have to commit to doing it EVER

Health and Safety and Employment / HR management Support for a City of based Security Installer and Software Developer / Integrator

We are starting a Health and Safety review and compliance implementation proje subsidiary of an EU based security and related software systems installer / devel In December we will be developing the company's UK employment terms and co employer / employee handbook.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEWS - October 2010

Contractor Tender and Powerpoint Presentation - Shortlisted - Awaiting Fin

In October I prepared the tender and Powerpoint presentation for a small special engineering contracting company (competing to retain the contract it has already the last 5 years) for a particular London Council. The company was shortlisted a to deliver a visual presentation (using Powerpoint) to the panel of representatives decide on to whom the contract will be awarded. We await the final result but be put in the strongest bid in terms of both Quality and Price.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IT'S AUGUST (2010_ ALREADY ! - LATEST NEWS


We have a new West London office - we have moved from West Drayton to the F Hounslow border right next to Heathrow - see 'HOW TO CONTACT ME'.


I'm currently helping a micro 2 - person security guarding business through the A is due 10th August, so fingers crossed (today is the 7th !) - UPDATE: They PAS assessment, first time, subject to confirmation in writing from the SIA.

Another of my manned security clients successfully passed their first NSI Gold (I 7499 and BS 7858) UKAS accredited assessment at the end of July - Yippee - b


much of the hard work was done by my associate, Amanda Randall while I acte advisory and auditing capacity, also providing a fully flowcharted business a management system, in full colour.

I have a longer-term contract under way - developing an integrated management combining ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 - AND I am working with the house team to integrate this within the company's bespoke electronic business a system - for this HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical and Water Treatment installation an contracting firm in Wembley.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEW ! - APRIL 2010


Do you need CHAS or Constructionline or SAFEContractor or EXOR or a si sector pre-qualification scheme approval?

If so, please click on OFFERS YOU CAN'T REFUSE  - we have set out some ke competitive prices for making sure you get these types of approvals quickly and fuss. We KNOW that your survival as a business, particularly if in construction o services, MAY DEPEND on getting one or more of thee approvals.

Don't forget also, if you are in SECURITY that we provide very cost-effective help ACS or NSI Gold or other ISO 9001 / BS 7499 / BS 7858 etc. applications. Ther stuff about my experience and thoughts on security standards further down in thi

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CATERING, HOSPITALITY, FOOD SERVING & FOOD MANUFACTURING

It's been a while since I reminded the market place of our skills and experience in - Trevor Walker and I are about to do a major mailshot on this subject, initially to - Just so you know, I have provided consulting help to licensed premises, hotels manufacturers on the topics of kitchen and general premises safety and hygiene

We ARE QUALIFIED: Trevor has direct experience of management in the food s and has run his own health food business as well as having food hygiene quaific NEBOSH Level 3 Health & Safety Management Certificate holder, while I am an of IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health) and a Life Affiliate memb of Management Services).

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MARCH / APRIL 2010


If you are ANY KIND OF BUSINESS needing some initial Environmental Manag documents - compatible with ISO 14001 of BS 8555 or EMAS, to help with th completing to gain shortlising to the tender process with local and government au for as LITTLE as £ 95 then PLEASE CLICK ON 'OFFERS YOU CAN'T REFUS left hand side of this web site.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DECEMBER 2009


Have you just about had it with British and ISO Standards? Have the BSI and ot Bodies lost the plot?


I have come to the opinion that the BSI believes that it only has to publish a new will immediately become the biggest money spinner under the Sun for its own pu management system certification sales - thus keeping itself in work for another fe

With the plethora of standards introduced in the last two to three years that are, b on nuances in ISO 9001 or 14001 or other more popular standards, regurgitated bureaucratic stand-alone standards, I am beginning to lose my patience with the pomposity and belief that if they publish something that is obscenely expensive, t good and everyone must buy it (i.e. British Standards Publications) - oh and did I BSI probably believes it stands roughly somewhere equal to the position occupie you have one?

Just one, small, example: Did we REALLY need a standard for sustainable mana upgrade to it ? (ISO 9004 - in ADDITION to ISO 9001)

Does the BSI REALLY not understand that business SIMPLY CANNOT AFFORD out for new standards and for assessments against them?

Who REALLY MAKES MONEY out of standards? - usually the BSI, Certification you guessed it - Consultants (yes I'm one of those - ouch!).

Of course, when you live in the closeted, protected, quasi-civil service, job-for-life BSI, you CAN AFFORD to believe that the whole world revolves around YOU an WONDERFUL IDEAS for NEW STANDARDS that the whole world must conform those lovely, kind hearted, generous and oh-so charitable banking people.

Sounds cynical ? well so it does - and it is - and I also believe its true.

I have spent much of my workling life helping my clients to understand and comp forms of regulations, statutes and standards, but as the years have gone by I hav clients NOT to take up standards UNLESS THEY ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO for o another. Is this taking food out of my own mouth? - YES but what kind of reputa would I have if I espoused every new standard that came along and attempted to (equally and understandably cynical) clients that they MUST implement this NEW beacuse it will SAVE THEM MONEY and BRING THEM MORE BUSINESS - wh this (any more)?

I'll have more to say on the above shortly.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOVEMBER 2009


Back in my May 2009 news, I talked about using a new catchphrase or trading b with John Lane'. Since then, in a kind of natural way I have attached this 'banne which the demand has been gowing dramatically i.e. to prepare TENDERS on m

The problem with tenders, of course, is that you can never guarantee that a tend successful. From past experience I know that often, the end client will WANT to contract but CAN'T because the tender submitted has not created confidence tha fulfil the contract satisfactorily - the tender did not look "professional", even in spi pricing.

In 1985 I started learning how to put together winning proposals and tenders. I h this experience to good use recently by helping clients e.g. electrical contractors, engineers, metalwork fabrication and mechanical engineers, a road haulier, etc. t that are most likely to WIN the business they are after and in the MAJORITY of DONE!

Even where a company submits its first 'professional' tender with my help but fail the feedback from the end client is much more favourable and DOES guarantee will be offered another chance to bid for the NEXT tender.


So, for now, consider 'Success with John Lane' to be the byword for GETTING N

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OCTOBER 2009



I can't believe how quickly time has passed - in the last few months we finally co of home and this has taken up a lot of my attention in that period. We have also address back to where we were in the mid to late 1990's in West Drayton (near L which has proven to be more central for a lot of our business and has helped to f home.

To those of you who do take a look at this page occasionally, please accept my a attention is now focussed back on the business full-time after my spell of sorting arrangements.


We have now set up a NEW, ADDITIONAL OPERATING BASE in Sudbury, Suff and Trevor Walker will continue to serve clients in the East Anglia region, but wit benefit of having premises in Sudbury itself.


One piece of feedback, following my statement in July about cutting out a lot of m really does not seem to have impacted upon the rates of new serious enquiries a business coming in - so I feel vindicated in my decision to make savings in this a some business NEED to advertise and it IS necessary in certain business sector


Yippee ! - Another of my existing clients, a contractor in the building maintenance decided to go for BOTH ISO 14001 (the environmental management standard) A 18001 (the health and safety management standard). No - I did not badger them decided themselves it was right for their business, having already taken on ISO 9 with my help.


.... that my client, since 1999, MAGENTA SECURITY SERVICES LTD., was AW ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE AWARD at the SECURITY INDUSTRY EXC AWARDS ceremony in LONDON on Thursday 22nd October (somewhat belated company originally gained ISO14001 certification with the BSI back in 2002 and EUROPE and we believe WORLDWIDE to gain this certification for security serv but until now the UK security industry bigwigs did not recognise improving the en issue it had to bother with, or if it did, only half-heartedly). My CONGRATULATI Company's MD, Abbey Petkar ! - Well done, Abbey - the award is well deser

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ JULY 2009


Some of you - particulary those of you in the security industry, will have been use box adverts in several industry journals i.e. Security Management Today ('SMT'), Security, RISK UK and Professional Security.

Well - like most of you - I have been forced to undertake a cost-minimisation driv has made me realise just how much money I have been spending on services th good value for money. Over the 8 or 9 years or so that I have been advertising ( several Yellow Pages books and, I have done my research and have f


security industry journals by and large have not provided sufficient new business cost. In fact, as has nearly always been the case, virtually all of my new busines or mouth - recommendations and referrals from satisfied Clients.

There are one or two exceptions, however, and so I do still advertise in a small w focussed journals where experience has shown that a decent return is achieved, decided to stop appearing in Yellow Pages and I am using the money the business in other, more meaningful ways, that will in fact enable me to provid money and efficiency to all of my existing Clients - this MUST be a GOOD thing i hard-pressed times!

So - don't worry - if you notice the adverts have suddenly stopped appearing - TR STILL HERE !

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ JUNE 2009

NEW TRENDS We are seeing:

- a lot more interest from small contractors who want to become CHAS or CONS or SAFECONTRACTOR or EXOR, etc. accredited.

- a much more in-depth requirement from customers (government authorities and organisations) for evidence of good ENVIRONMENTAL practices and document

- the requirements to provide far more documentary evidence of IMPLEMENTAT practice.

- more companies wanting us to help put TENDERS and TENDER PRE-QUALI QUESTIONNAIRES together professionally.

Please note: There has also been a noticeable increase in the number of YOUR external consultants to 'VET' YOUR H&S, etc. documentation and performance. unnecessary problems when such consultants are using their position to bolster t their clients have of them, whilst belittling and berating the H&S approach taken such as YOURS for using consultants such as ourselves to help them.

If you are in doubt as to how to answer questions on any of these pre-quali questionnaires, PLEASE DO NOT 'do yourself down' by giving an answer th your approach seem less robust THAN IT REALLY IS ! - neither would we w a falsehood - SO ALWAYS CHECK WITH US FIRST- we DON'T CHARGE FO ADVICE where this is of a reasonably short duration.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MAY 2009


For those of you who study this news page - you may have thought that I had do Perrin' and disappeared into the Sea!

The truth is that we have been moving home and office and in an unconventiona have not yet moved to our 'final destination'.

The time consuming and frustrating difficulties associated with any move of hom premises seem to have multiplied by a factor of at least two but I am now hopefu our new home and work base during this Summer.

I have not been able to find the inspiration to keep this new page up to date for th months, because of the unsettling effects of the move to our current temporary lo seem to be more positively moving in the right direction now.



In spite of the recession, or perhaps even because of it, the level of new enquirie and repeat business from existing Clients has not abated. Of course, I cannot an for granted - but it does kind of re-affirm to me that we ( Trevor Walker, my Wife, must still be doing all the right things!

The current economic climate has also helped me to decide that now is the best launch a new service, the seeds of which were formed when I first set up this we years ago.

I intend to put my experience and expertise in business development to more 'ro marketing this new service through a dedicated, separate website - aimed at help have good ideas and the potential for creating new successful business or devel businesses into much better ones.

What strikes me about business life - and the recent banking crises have only se my views - is that the lessons learned by earlier generations rarely seem to be pa embarking afresh into business life. The same old mistakes seems to be repeate old lessons are forgotten or ignored - to the detriment of professionalism and eth could be called lack of training but this would only be a symptom of the problem more fundamentally to do with a lack of ethical thinking at the outset of any busin business project.

And yet - youthful enthusiasm should not and need not be stifled by the lessons Perhaps instead, there is a way of combining experience and common sense wit technology and the 'let's do it now' generation - after all, I was there myself, not s it seems).

Watch this space for more news about Success with John Lane.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DECEMBER, 2008


Once again, it seems to be the season for Tenders!

We are currently helping contractors in the building and street services and priva industries to put together tenders or to provide certain specialists parts of those t authorities. This is often a real nuisance for our Clients, where they are often alr contractor providing the services but the local authority is legally bound to put the tender (even if they might prefer not to !).

We also, much mor frequently help with preparing the initial pre-tedner pre-qualif that prospective tenders have to put in - just to make sure they are included on th tenderers.

There is of course no guarantee that a tender we have contributed to will be the I have a good track record with this work - in the region of a 75% hit rate.

See also LATEST NEWS - NOVEMBER 2007 for more information on THIRD qualification schemes - e.g. EXOR, CHAS, Constructionline, SafeContracto

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOVEMBER, 2008


Since all this talk about recession started I have been bombarded with requests f employment terms and conditions - I wondered why? - but it seems a lot of you about employees looking for loopholes to use as excuses to go to the Employme view to getting more favourable financial settlements when they leave or are fired


For example, you may already have written terms and conditions in place - but a e.g. the gradual phasing in of the 28 days holiday entitlement per year and the ne disciplinary and grievance procedures?

Another possibility is that you may have no written terms and conditions in place having been done verbally only, which puts you in a very vulnerbale position in th disputes with employees - particularly if you dismiss them without going through recorded, process.

One of the biggest and most common issues I am asked to help with and to write procedures for is the way that mobile workers such as construction operatives an equipment installation and maintenance staff are managed and monitored in term work, expenses, taking unreasonable advantage of their mobility e.g. claiming th place when in fact they are somewhere else, starting late, knocking-off early, etc

I have built up a bit of experience in these areas and can help you ensure your st mickey - or at least not without paying the appropriate price for their foolishness.


Similarly to employment terms and conditions, I have also built some experience contracts to help you control your sub-contractors i.e. those people or companies work for you, in your name and who YOU pay i.e. self-employed individuals and may have several of their staff working at YOUR or your Client's site.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEPTEMBER 2008 - ADDITIONAL NEWS


Well, the old Work Study and Organisation & Methods Skills are back in de when I thought nobody wanted outside help any more to be more efficient, along established Client wanting some old-fashioned observational / analytical / metho help identify some improvements in customer service.


BS 25999 and BS 31100 - For those of you interested in the Business Continuity Risk British Standards (you may see my advert soon in the RISK UK journal) I'm up on the recently introduced BS 25999 and 31100 standards - I'm sure it will all sense really - but I wonder how much will be applicable to smaller businesses?‑


Apologies again for no updates since April - sadly again for similar reasons, i family has taken up nearly all of our spare time, emotionally and technically - on we are hoping 2009 will be a happier year than 2008.

Some good, or nearly good news is that I am nearing the completion of a Fire Sy Installation BAFE / NSI Gold project for a company in the North West of Englan worked for scores of electrical and security installers over the years, this will be t scratch project for a company specialising in fire systems install work, whereby th certiofication, be able to commission their own systems and self-certificate all 4 B work.

I'm popping over to South Wales (an old haunt) this month to speak to another c want similar help to the above.

A project completed just last week was the preparation of a tender for a tree su ('arboricultural') services company. An electrical / mechanical and security sy also wanting me to help prepare a tender for / with them in order to get a better s local authority business which they know they can handle, if awarded, but are fai effort on tender presentation when compared with the 'packages' put in by larger national companies.


As for the credit crunch - well, at present there seems to be no abatement in the actual work levels coming in - lets all hope this continues, but I suspect we'll suffe the home building sector as some of our small construction, building services and do a great deal of sub-contract work for the larger home building companies. It is that we cover a very broad spectrum of industries and sectors without being tied one - We wish you all good luck in the coming months and years!

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS - APRIL 2008

Apologies for lack of news and views on this page since December. A clos passed away in January and the fall-out from this has occupied much of the spar and I since then. Thankfully, however, we have not been short of work since Jan

My colleague, Trevor Walker, is now looking after around 85% of our Health consulting work. Trevor is also doing very well with his NEBOSH Health & Saf course, having passed his first set of exams for the Diploma following his NEBOS award last year.

Personally, most of my own work time since January has been occupied w industry - with the ACS for manned security companies and with SSAIB and NS schemes for my manned and security systems installation Clients.

I have had some interesting experiences with ACS assessments just lately one that was attended by one of the SIA's own 'Quality Managers'. The BIG ISS assessments at the moment seem to be: (1) Checking Right to Work in UK - buy your ultra Violet scanner (they can be had for a tenner each at the big cas warehouses) and (2) Staff Appraisals - making sure you do them!

There still seems to be some misunderstanding out there in the security in constitutes a 'SUB-CONTRACTOR' in the eyes of the SIA - If you are ONLY s another security services company and you DON'T HAVE ANY DIRECT CLIENT OWN, then you are NOT a sub-contractor - you ARE, IN FACT, ONLY an employ such, you do NOT need to have ACS approval in order to supply to your security customers - IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS ABOUT THIS AT ALL - FOR CLARIFI PLEASE DO check this out direct with the SIA who will be glad to advise you OR E-MAIL ME - I WILL ADVISE ON THIS FREE OF CHARGE. Please do NOT wa money trying to get ACS approval UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO OR U WANT TO USE IT TO FURTHER your business e.g. to go get your own 'direct' c ADDITION TO supplying staff on an agency basis to security services contractor

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS - DECEMBER 2007


Having worked myself in the recruitment business, on both sides of the fence and industries, on-and-off, since 1983 I find I am still being drawn back to it from time those of you in recruitment or HR who might need advice on EMPLOYMENT LA EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS or those of you in the recruitment industry who ne TENDERS for larger contracts e.g. with government departments and the larger organisations, I now have DAVE MURRAY, an industry experienced associate w

Dave has a wealth of operational and legal knowledge and experience in the con business. He also has a good deal of experience with business and quality man recruitment industry including the development and implementation of ISO 9001 this and associated sectors. Dave's close association with John Lane also mean mainly Manchester based, John Lane Business Consulting can provide a much generally to its clients in the North and North West of England.


Diane is an HR professional, with extensive experience with employment law an development in both large and small organisations. She also has a great deal of recruitment sector but is generally experienced in other industries and with both l organisations.

I have known and worked with or alongside both Dave and Diane since the good for me and for the John Lane Business Consulting brand to now have two s experienced people who can help our clients on an as-and-when-needed basis a the recruitment and employment areas, while also providing improved regional c

P.S. to the above article - as at 2008, both Dave and Diane have taken differ and are no longer available direct to my Clients. Instead, now that Trevor W time employed consultant, is looking after most of our Health and Safety w time to do our employment legislation related work myself personally.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS - NOVEMBER, 2007


Well, where has the time gone? I am writing this on Saturday 10th November, w come I have not had time to produce some really inteersting news articles over th or so - and the answer, quite simply is that I have been working almost continuou the rising demand for my help. Even with the help Trevor Walker, my full-time em Consultant, is now providing, the demand on our services has been rising so fast increasing productivity we have been able to offer this year.

All I can say in response to this demand and additional custom, is - THANKS ! to have expressed your continued confidence in our professionalism.

As for the REAL news:

CHAS / CONSTRUCTIONLINE / SAFECONTRACTOR / EXOR - These (primari assessment / pre-qualification schemes have been giving us some headaches th that now the CORPORATE MANSLAUGHTER law is a reality, the people manag schemes and the consultants they use to assess the applications we put in on be Clients, have become PARANOID and are raising the bar to a ridiculously high d the application we put in. It has also become apparent that some opf the assess schemes (almost always sub-contract consultants working from home) have VER PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE and are virtually fresh out of doing their basic H&S tr Consequently, they are using a good deal of theory to assess the applications pu understanding or appreciating the realities and practicalities of how buidling and sites and contractors HAVE TO WORK. Anyway - FEAR NOT ! - we have it ALL CONTROL ! - However, those of you contemplating going for one or more of thes should bear in mind that there is always a RISK that the first application may res wanting further information before passing it for approval. What is happening is t are being given carte blanche to ask ADDITIONAL questions i.e. MORE than is a original questionnaires - to totally satisfy themselves that everything is as it shou make it difficult however as they all ask different extra questions which we canno In itself this is NOT A PROBLEM but just adds a week or two the process.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS - JULY to OCTOBER, 2007

DUE TO BEING EXCEPTIONALLY BUSY with projects work in June, July, A September and now, yet again in October, there have been no news stories a page for over 4 months. My apologies (again) to those of you who tuned in hopin some new info over the last few months (today being October 5th).


However, in connection with the MAY 2007 news story, I have nearly completed of a Health & Safety Management System, (compatible if really necessary) with t


18001 health and safety management systems standard. My Client has kindly a retain the intellectual property rights to the system design and make-up which me wanting an electronically based BUT SIMPLE and USER FRIENDLY and visually system for managing health and safety (in organisations probably employing mor people) now have a viable, practical option to an expensive off the shelf propriet system from a health and safety software specialist - without the need for an equ and probably compulsory, annual maintenance contract. My system relies purely packages that sit on virtually everybody's PC - WORD and EXCEL and is compa versions of these two Microsoft programmes starting with the Office 97 version ri current versions. The beauty of the system is that is lightning-fast to go to and o to and go back to other documents and records as well as enabling access to int official guidance, regulations and codes of practice on the UK government's own other websites. The system means that paper based documents and records ar absolute minimum. I should be ready to demonstrate this package outside of my during November, 2007. Some customisation to each Client will probably be nee cases.

This package will also be easly upgradeable to embrace ISO 9001 Quality and IS Environmental requirements. In fact, this is what my current client, is planning to

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS - JUNE 2007

UNDER CONSTRUCTION - SUBJECTS TO BE COVERED WILL BE: SIA Appr Scheme latest; NSI / NACOSS & SSAIB & BAFE SCHEMES LATEST; EMPLO LATEST - to include new increase of MINIMUM Holiday entitlement to 28 days in public holidays; New NO SMOKING law.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS - MAY 2007

The project for the major UK based Fire and Security Product Testing / Cert 9001 Certification Group, reported in April LOOKS TO BECOME ONE OF JL BIGGEST PROJECTS, TO DATE. The project has become one to develop and Health, Safety (and possibly Environmental) Management System - BUT to do so most user friendly and practicable way. Whilst JLBC is NOT an I.T. consultancy, purchasing a potentially expensive off-the-shelf but un-customised proprietary so John and Trevor are developing an end-user oriented system of health and safet and task / audit / review record keeping simply by using the Group's existing Intra Office products. e.g. Hyperlinks are being used extensively to enable website-lik Policy, Organisation Charts, Job Descriptions, listings of Responsibilities and Du individual Job Holders, associated procedures and records, risk assessments, et at lightning speed. This approach makes the classic 'dusty manual on the shelf' extensive use of colour - previously pioneered by John for Quality / Business Ma Systems - will make the whole package far more attractive and 'wanting to be us documentation and approach will also be keyed in to the existing Quality / Busine Systems operated by the different companies in the Group so that, in effect, a ful Integrated Management System should result. John's last 20 years' experience standards combined with the real world experience gained with small and mediu businesses means that this project may well be JLBC's pinnacle of achievement GENUINELY USER-FRIENDLY management systems.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS - APRIL 2007


In addition to working as Health & Safety Advisor to a UK (Government recognis service, JLBC is now providing a similar service to one of the major UK based Fi Product Testing / Certification and ISO 9001 Certification Groups.



I have noticed an increasing interest in the BAFE scheme for Fire Systems instal essentially ISO 9001 plus the BS 5839 and associated technical standards, whils those installers who service certain parts of the commercial sector simply are not not need to provide to their customers, security systems certification to SSAIB or NACOSS) standards. I guess it does depend on what type of customers require those systems will be used - if Police Response is not essential then it seems tha overly bureaucratic NSI & SSAIB requirements are simply unnecessary - but som in certain areas of an installer's business ARE still essential to make sure produc customer service are maintained to the same or better levels than those claimed certificated competitor.

I have also seen that the certification bodies have been of little help (if any) to the making the PD6662 migration from BS 4737 to the EN50100 series and for the m have in practical or meaningful terms avoided the issues altogether during asses (making it all even more confusing through lack of any real clarity) - probably whi industry i.e. the installers and manufacturers themselves to decide (the hard way rather than being told by the certification 'experts' how to do it.

Some parallels here perhaps with the manned sector and the involvement of SIA certification bodies using security services providers as unpaid guinea pigs for th

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS ! - MARCH 2007


The full-colour, flowcharted business / quality management system develop Lane has won a significant compliment from a 'person close to' the develop scheme.

During a February, 2007 ACS assessment for a new entrant seeking ACS registr was complimented for the quality of the documented business / quality managem he personally developed to cover both ISO 9001 and the ACS requirements. Th a particularly weighty one beacuse it was offered, unsolicited, by an individual wh exceptionally close to the development the ACS assessment principles and the' 'front end' of the scheme.

Given this feedback, John is now asking budding ACS and ISO 9001 manned contractors if they would like quotations for converting to the new, simplifi approach to their existing or as yet, unwritten systems. The flowcharted packa an almost unique business development/ marketing tool in itself, rising skysc plethora of conventional, bog-standard, BORING word processed systems preva industry.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS ! - FEBRUARY 2007


I have to say that the expense of this scheme has cemented the growing co opinion in my mind that this is predominantly a money-making scheme for selected certification bodies and maybe - just maybe, secondarily a true qu scheme for security contracting companies.

It is clear that until now, a number of security contractors have entered the schem only i.e. to be able to deploy a number of unlicensed guards, while the other com


joined the ACS in the hope that it will help them to gain new business or to help k existing customers.

I am now seeing, however, another process occurring - that of the company that took the standard route into the scheme to allow it to deploy unlicensed officers, since achieved a fully licensed workforce and has felt absolutely no other benefit ACS logo on its stationery i.e. no new business and no loss of existing customers

Do the customers really care about ACS - I suspect not. Do the customers care provide the cheapest service? - almost certainly yes in 90 % of the cases. Do th about true quality of performance in service? - yes, almost always (so long as its cheapest service). Do the customers just want a security service to satisfy their requirements? - in many cases yes. In such cases, do the insurers care whethe provider is ACS registered or ISO 9001 (UKAS accredited) registered, etc. - often although I guess there might be a slow creep by the insurers towards wanting thi assurance.

The 'BOTTOM LINE' ? - I am not at all sure that once a security company ha licensable staff licensed, that it needs any other accreditations, registration and the continuing existence of a great many successful security contracto have no such awards or badges proves this conclusively (not to mention a must surely, still be employing unlicensed staff with little fear of early pros those who are deploying unlicensed security staff by renaming them as pro caretakers and the like).

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS! - DECEMBER 2006 / JANUARY 2007


Following an unprecedented surge in demand for my help, particularly from CONSTRUCTION and SECURITY industries, John Lane Business Consultin with the recruitment of a new FULL-TIME EMPLOYED Consultant:

Trevor Walker

A word from our Proprietor, John Lane, about Trevor: "Trevor and I have know since childhood and have worked for and with each other in differing capac an occasional basis, since the 1970s. Starting in January 2007, Trevor will board with JLBC as the firm's 2nd full-time Consultant (2nd to myself). Tre sub-contractor - he will be wholly and solely employed by the business to e and to provide the extra capacity that my Customers now need. Trevor will the business and to my customers. It is worth noting that Trevor's own bac includes the running of his own business, sales and marketing work, finan experience, retail and manufacturing management experience, health and s management practice in the construction, security and manufacturing indu recently, several years' practical experience in the manned security sector"

Please note: for those of you who already know John - DON'T WORRY - He is n the scene - FAR FROM IT ! Every single project undertaken by the practice will himself in one capacity or another e.g. as the day-to-day project consultant, Proje an occasional Advisor or perhaps to carry out audits, etc. In any event John will available to deal with enquiries, queries, etc. until Trevor Walker has completed h with the business and my Customers.



A medium size demolition contractor called for help after being let down by some promised to help complete pre-qualification health and safety questionnaires (but the space of 5 working days including the day of the first telephone enquiry, I wa


two pre-qual questionnaires for this company (on the first day) and then 3 days la requested started a Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan with Method State Asssessments for one of the pre-qual related projects for a major house builder - and it was accepted by the House Builder company (as well making time to meet the first time) - all within a week that was already an EXTREMELY BUSY one!


One of my existing clients, a small construction and building refurbishment contra predominantly UK Govt. work, has asked for my help to set up a web site along s (my own) web site. One of the benefits of this web site is that I maintain it myself programming language skills and I can keep it up to date (most of the time) when time to do so e.g. in evenings and at weekends without ever having to rely on (ex consultants.

Im case you are wondering........ I use a company called one&one (at www.oneand

the web site and who provide the software for setting up and maintaining it. This EFFECTIVE way of having a web site. There are other web hosting companies t same type of service, however and so you should shop around - GOOD LUCK if AGO!


A medium size accountancy practice has commissioned my services to carry out equipment risk assessments on staff and their workstations where there is a high disorder (ULD) and repetitive strain injuries (RSI. Perhaps equally importantly, th layout, work organisation and working methods are being studied from an ergono viewpoint to establish work place setups that are more condusive to healthier wo assessments on particularly busy workstations and documented risk assessment plus improvement recommendations have already been completed.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS ! - SEPTEMBER 2006


I am helping with advice and doing risk assessments in relation to Food hygiene Regulations 2006 & the newly reformed Fire regulations requiring self-regulation instead (as was often the case) of relying on the local Fire Officer to tell you what precautions to put in place - also taking account of the changes to the licencing l

I am currently providing this input to two of the management companies who m of Public Houses owned by one of the major UK chains.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS ! - AUGUST 2006

SIA - ACS - APPROVED CONTRACTOR SCHEME - Are you being conned in 9001:2000 as well ? - or even into doing the ACS on its own when it won't R you?

Do NOT be hoodwinked into doing ISO 9001 AND the ACS. I am getting reports Consultants are telling their Security Company clients to do BOTH ISO 9001 AN so means that you will be spending MORE MONEY than you need to in the short you MAY get a very short-term benefit by gaining early entry to the ACS Approve Register, I DOUBT VERY MUCH that you will get MEDIUM & LONG TERM valu to maintain BOTH schemes UNLESS your Customers demand it ! - In most case doing is putting more money into the Certification Bodies and SIA's pockets. I am SECURITY BUSINESSES to do NEITHER SCHEME - because that it the BES those particular companies.


Your BEST BET (BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE REALLY, REALLY, SURE YOU NEE THE HARD WORK EARLY ON and go STRAIGHT INTO THE ACS Register by possible ACS Assessment visit - this means YOU CAN BY-PASS DOING ISO 90 Theoretically, the ACS should be hard work BUT all the feedback I have is tell ACTAULLY QUITE EASY (depending on how much best practice you alread place). Overall, providing you take it seriously (or at least look convincingly as th and DON'T LEAVE EVERYTHING the LAST MINUTE before the assessment vis the Security Officer Licensing rules the ACS Assessment visit should be a do help of a wise consultant, of course). Don't forget the real reason for the ACS i for Gordon Brown - are they REALLY going to make it THAT difficult for you to - of course, not -it's a money-making machine for both government AND the certi used to assess it - don't forget - YOU ARE THEIR CUSTOMER - not the other w

If you want the BEST GENERAL ADVICE and the advice BEST SUITED TO YO talk to ME before you make a potentially VERY EXPENSIVE decision.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS ! - JUNE 2006



Along with helping my existing Clients to renew their current Approved Supplier s own customers, there is an upsurge in new Clients coming along with a need to r qualification organisations such as CHAS, Constructionline, SAFEContractor, EX Sinclair Directories), etc.

I have become a 'dab hand' at helping businesses get through these application processes with very little fuss. Try not to leave it too late before asking for help t my lead time for completing this is around 2 to 3 weeks!

ALSO: UPSURGE IN SIA Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) APPLICATIO

I am now helping several manned security firms with their ACS development wor got their successful initial applications into the SIA. The first of the Clients should NSI in August* to confirm their SIA approval. Please note that even though man listed as approved on the SIA's website, they have NOT YET BEEN ASSESSED certification / inspection body. This MUST be done with 12 months of being liste SOME WORK TO BE DONE on this - don't be fooled into thinking the initial SIA the END of the process - It's only the BEGINNING!

*NOTE: This Company achieved its confirmed ACS approval as a result of its firs against the scheme, in August, as planned.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS ! - MAY 2006


Several new clients in the CONSTRUCTION and BUILDING REFURBISHMENT come on board over the last few months. The firms have in the main wanted ass HEALTH & SAFETY i.e. help initially with gaining APPROVAL with their own cus party Accreditation schemes such as CHAS, CONSTRUCTIONLINE, SafeCONT This type of work is a popular demand on my services.


Two new clients have come on board with me for assistance with, in one ca ISO 9001) and in the other, NSI Gold (ISO 9001) registrations.





I have now helped FOUR of my current clients (all manned guarding compa Workbooks and Applications in for the ACS. I am also helping another NE wants to gain ACS approval.

MY ADVICE Re: the Workbook: If you already have ISO9001 and the relevant c standards (e.g. BS 7499, BS 7858, etc.) with a UKAS accredited certification bod then Do NOT try to answer the questions in the Workbook in detail - you could be time generally and certainly if you want earliest possible entry to the Approved C

It IS worth just checking out the questions concerning HR / Personnel, Env Health & Safety managment and working out where your weak points are again items but it is more helpful if you deal with these items in house and do not decla on the Workbook. The point of this is that once you say what you are going to do who will come to see you (eventually) will be looking at these particular items in d to leave your answers as vague as possible thus giving yourself time to change y to deal with these 'gap' areas so you don't shoot yourself in the foot and say you' when in the light of experience you may do it a different way by the time of the as

LICENSING DEADLINE - It is clear from the latest news in the SIA's own we are NOT going to be too quick to prosecute any firm who has obviously ma EFFORT to get their guards / officers licensed. Clearly, the SIA is very consciou SHORTFALLS in the whole licensing fiasco and does not want to draw too much own failures by prosecuting firms who have tried rather than those who made no not saying dont' worry but I am saying just keep going with your training and licen an affordable rate as the odds will probably be in your favour in the event of your your unlicensed guards being singled out.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS ! - MARCH 2006


(BUT ONLY JUST) - Up until a month or so ago I was advising all who asked, t should be made to do any work toward getting in to the ACS. My advice was bas lack of clear and helpful information coming out of the SIA on this subject and a g conflicting supposition and gossip coming from elsewhere.

The SIA has been crafty in linking the scheme to allowing security firms to h unlicensed officers working. So - while the ACS is NOT compulsory, for MAN companies, the SIA has almost made it a condition of trading to cover the situatio recruiting new officers who would otherwise not be able to work until they have re licenses (A LENGTHY PROCESS).

Applications for entry to the scheme can now be made BY ACCESSING THE SIA expressing interest in the scheme, thereby receiving a formal access password a entering the ACS applicants / approved contractors -only part of the website, whe documents can be viewed or downloaded and printed, filled-out and where an on ASSESSMENT WORKBOOK (‘SAW’) can be filled out and lodged with the SIA a application form and fee cheque that have to sent by snail mail as the first step in

MAKE NO MISTAKE – filling out and lodging the completed SAW does NOT ma approved contractor. For this process to be finalised YOU HAVE TO UNDERGO INSPECTION / ASSESMENT VISIT by one of the (seven or 8 or so, I believe) SI certification bodies. This is likely to take some or many months to process for co had little or no previous experience of voluntary inspection schemes such as UK 9001.

Of those of you who have previously opted for ISO 9001 certification WITHOUT accreditation i.e. WITHOUT the CROWN & TICK logo, PLEASE BE VERY CARE that you are actually KNOW and are truly IMPLEMENTING all the requirements


probably the relevant British Standards such as BS 7499, etc. You do NOT need accredited certification BUT it will NOT be enough just to say you have a quality manual. JUST LOOK at the SAW to see where your gaps are.

There is NO EASY WAY to get QUICK SIA ACS approval if you have not already best practice in place throughout your business – BUT you can ensure you get in process so as to mitigate any shortfall on the 100% security officer licensing requ March 2006 and minimise the resulting risk of prosecution for missing this target.

If you DO already have UKAS accredited (‘CROWN & TICK’) ISO 9001 certificati make entry to the ACS much easier and QUICKER as you should already be sat the ACS requirements. If you already have INVESTORS IN PEOPLE certificatio UKAS accredited certification and are operating in a provable, socially and ethica way, then the ACS will be much easier to achieve QUICKLY.

If you do NOT have these things in place, then you have a lot of hard work to do. about this, BUT if you are committed to staying in business as a security provide ACS will help you to do this, then I CAN HELP you find the most APPROPRIATE ways of achieving ACS approval, that are CUSTOMISED TO YOUR PARTICULA with the LEAST AMOUNT OF your management and operational input.


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS ! - DECEMBER 2005 - JANUARY 2006


John Lane is now providing health and safety support services to what is probab known UK based agency that carries out inspection and certification services wit industry sector. This a MAJOR WIN for John Lane and in effect gives absolute r skill, experience and achievements in the business of helping his Clients to achie certifications, by now working for one of the highest international authorities in th


My first RVRC Client, based in the East Midlands, gains UKAS accredited ISO 9 certification, and just as importantly, has done so in accordance with the requirem and alarm monitoring industry standards BS 8418 and BS 5979 with the BRITISH INSTITUTION (BSI). This company provides detector activated CCTV monitorin commercial customers and is now going to use my marketing skills to capitalise o going for controlled growth.

One of my MANNED GUARDING Clients, based in East London, gains the prest accredited NSI ‘SILVER’ award. This covers certification to the BS 7499: 2002 a security industry standards.

My current work planning includes this year, taking at least 4 security / fire system maintenance companies through to NSI ‘SILVER’ / ‘GOLD’ or SSAIB approval to allocation of UK Police-recognised URNs to these companies’ installations for ala One of these firms is based in the Greater Manchester area, one is in the East M London and one in Berkshire.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS ! - OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2005


Don't forget this is STILL A VOLUNTARY SCHEME AND IS NOT GOING TO BE REQUIREMENT - at least not for the foreseeable future. An honest opinion ? - d this until the SIA has got its act together on the exact wording of the specification


the wording OR THE INTERPRETATION OF THE WORDING by those parties re policing the scheme is going to go through a LOT of CHANGES before it settles going to do the assessment of contractors on the SIA's behalf? - yes, we know t desperately wants to be the sole provider of this service but for competition it will open I believe, to other UKAS accredited certification bodies, e.g. possibly NQA, (LRQA) etc. - and THEY will all have different ideas on exactly how to assess co the scheme. In fact a letter from the BSIA on this subject in the last issue of SMT very point (and there I was thinking that BSIA and NSI were everso closely linked clearly thinks its members deserve a choice - I THINK THE WHOLE INDUSTRY


If you need help with compliance with the ACS then I can help - but don't try to d soon, for the reasons I have posed above. Best thing you can do in the meantim copy of it from the SIA's own website - read it yourself and make your own judge

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS ! - SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2005

NEW PD 6662: 2004 standard / code of practice for SECURITY SYSTEMS IN INDUSTRY

I have been asked by several security systems installers about this new standard on 1st October THIS YEAR. However, the guidance I have seen so far on this in is a lot of work to be done by the certification bodies (particularly NACOSS/NSI a decide exactly how best to inspect / comapnies against this new standard which replace some existing parts of existing standards e.g. BS 4737 and the EN 5000 embracing those that won't be replaced for a while yet - as new standards are in being written.

PLEASE BE ASSURED - all my advice and guidance will take into account PD 6 also be aware that there will probably be a period of some months while NACOS the like get their act together on how to interpret the new requirements.

UPDATE ON PD662 - as at 23/09/05 - I have read the PD6662 document which own library and can provide detailed guidance on its contents based on my own experience.






Martine has been working in a supporting role to John Lane since 1992 but is no semi-consultancy role alongside John Lane for our Clients in the Irish Republic - those in the Security and Construction sectors where the recently introduced Ac (*see next news item below for more details on security regulation) industry and safety have greatly tightened up Ireland's overall business regulatory environmen






My 13 years of UK experience indicate that the Irish Private Security Services Ac ways) far ahead i.e. far more restrictive than its UK equivalent. The UK's SIA (Se Authority) has (in my opinion, foolishly for the good of security as a whole) opted only approach to the licensing of UK security firms whereas the Irish Private Sec made licensing MANDATORY for relevant firms.

However, I have analysed the Irish Act, the requirements of the Irish Governmen Security Authority - the UK equivalent being the SIA) and those of the ISIA (the Ir Industry Association - the opposite number to the UK's BSIA) and the SGS 'Qual appears to be an exclusive requirement for ISIA membership. My considered op requirements is given below.

The Irish company licensing scheme is FAR LESS restrictive than its UK equival version is virtually ISO 9001: 2000 PLUS elements of ISO 14001: 2004 (YES - th environmental standard) PLUS elements of BS 7499; BS 7858 and other Brirish Standards that are relevant to the security industry. The Irish version is much, m although of course it does retain appropiate criminality checks and requirements etc. and appears to relate to the recently introduced Irish Security Standards, inc

The 'Qualicert' scheme (currently only the 2003 first draft version is available thro informative ISIA web site) is, strangely, a MUCH WATERED DOWN version of IS and other relevant security industry Irish standards. The 'Qualicert' scheme is O through the ISIA by SGS. SGS is an international certification, inspection and te opinion is that it is highly uncompetitive when only ONE certification body is allow assess and issue certificates / registrations against a particular standard but bec itself an official Irish or international standard then there is nothing to open it up t This means that SGS can CHARGE WHATEVER IT LIKES ! - do you think this is

The idea behind the ISIA is of course a good one - an industry should have some representation and particularly when it needs to negotiate with Government. It a open and receptive to the needs of smaller players in the industry. In the UK, the shunned by many suchplayers because it has often given the impression (perhap that it a club for the 'Big Boys' only.

I have spent a great deal of time working with UK Manned Security Businesses, Installers / Maintainers and Alarm / CCTV Monitoring Centres. All the relevant b gearing up for security personnel licensing which is of course also mandatory in t because the UK Govt. has backed away from mandatory COMPANY licensng, th become almost farcical. The Irish approach to licensing of Companies seem mo because the requirements seem a great deal 'looser' than those of the UK volunt should NOT PRESENT A MAJOR PROBLEM TO ANY WELL-FOUNDED IRISH BUSINESS.

As alway, though, as was the case with ISO 9000 and its predecessors, THERE EASIER WAYS TO ACHIEVE COMPLIANCE than may at first seem to be the ca GET ADVICE from those that have already been through the loop or those that h years helping other Companies gain legal and voluntary regulatory compliance in There ARE simpler and more COST-EFFECTIVE and TIME EFFICIENT ways of of the legal and regulatory requirements - CONSULT WITH AN EXPERT before on your own!


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS - MAY2005

Sorry for the 9 month delay in this update - have been unbelievably busy since a Yellow Pages, Yell.Com and in Trades Journals.



I am increasingly being asked to provide EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS and adv stand-alone service or as an integrated part of a HEALTH & SAFETY/ general le service - including INFORMATION SECURITY in line with the Data Protection Ac

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LATEST NEWS - AUGUST 2004


This Summer I have been privileged to have been given ongoing contracts with 2 security systems companies: ONE specialises in INSTALLING a variety of syste intruder alarms and CCTV while THE OTHER provides a REMOTE CCTV MONI STATION service - specialising in DETECTOR-ACTIVATED CCTV MONITORIN

The INSTALLATION company has asked me to assist with the ongoing internal a maintenance of their ISO 9001 approval with NACOSS. In fact, I had previously particular company a year or so ago to put together some generic HEALTH & SA Method Statements & Risk Assessments to satisfy its larger Customers' H&S co requirements under the CDM regulations for new-build and refurbishment project installs systems.

The MONITORING STATION company has asked me to help develop and imple AND the full range of applicable British & European Standards applicable to its b those requiring a wide range of DATA PROTECTION processes to be in place - t initially planned as a 12 month to 18 month project. I will also be helping this bus issues including EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS; HEALTH & SAFETY COMPLIAN MARKETING issues.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEARLY NEW NEWS - JUNE & JULY 2004



If you are, particularly, a manned security services provider e.g. manned gaurdin insurance cover will ALMOST CERTAINLY require that you carry out vetting (sec all your staff). Your policy will probably state that for it to be valid, the vetting mu 10 YEAR period immediately prior to the person joining your company.

BEWARE - I have heard of security firms who HAVE LOST MAJOR CONTRA CUSTOMERS because it has come to light that the vetting has NOT BEEN D DONE PROPERLY or NOT AS SOON AS IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

What this means is that YOU SHOULD FOLLOW the requirements in BS 7858: standard was updated in March of this year, over the old 1996 version which has withdrawn). Even if you DON'T go down the ISO 9001 / BS 7858 / BS 7499 etc or BSIA membership routes, YOUR INSURANCE IS LIKELY TO BE INVALIDAT NOT done you vetting properly.

- If you aren't sure of your position on vetting - call John Lane for advice n


In June 2004, John began providing a Health & Safety support service including assessment for its new premises and producing follow-on policy and arrangemen documentation and advice for an independent financial services partnership.

This is a NEW INDUSTRY SECTOR for John Lane / JLBC - and a NEW CHALL



Also in June 2004, John Lane was commissioned to help a fine arts packing, war shipping house to bring up to date its existing Health & Safety arrangements and Health & Safety preparedness submission to one of its potential clients - a gover in order to help gain approved supplier status.

Although John has done quite a bit of work in warehousing and distribution since certainly a departure i.e. to be working in the fine arts field - which requires a com set of disciplines to 'normal' packing and shipping.


The SIA (Security Industry Authority), the UK government's regulatory body for m services, is saying that licensing of individual security officers / guards will take e own view is that this is an overly optimistic view given that it seems that an intend year has not yet even started. Nevertheless, the licensing of officers is looming, of security firms.

Until now, my advice to all who have asked, is don't do anything until the SIA has clear exactly what is required of officers and firms otherwise you could be wastin money. The training course for officers as advocated by the SIA appears grossly terms of classroom training time with no room for flexibility depending on number each class. I think, then, that 2005 is unlikely to be the year of mandatory licensi

However, be aware that YOUR LARGER CUSTOMERS may be at least as know YOU about what's going on in the industry. HOW WOULD YOUR BUSINESS ST CUSTOMER AUDIT OF YOUR VETTING PROCESS (do you HAVE ONE ?) - IF you are risking YOUR OWN business even more so than than your Customer's. recommend that you put the BS 7858: 2004 requirements into action NOW - how all of your staff are working in the UK LEGALLY? - JUST ONE DAY OF MY TIM STANDARD FORMS AND LETTERS I CAN PROVIDE WILL GET YOU UP TO S INDUSTRY BEST-PRACTICE SECURITY SCREENING.

Yout DON'T need to do a more expensive, all-encompassing ISO 9000 project,J VETTING STRAIGHT. Don't cut corners on vetting - it WILL hurt you in the long ARE security firms out there who have been nearly closed down over this issue.





I am nearing completion of a major, comprehensive and in-depth health and safe implementation project for this company. The most significant part of the exercis complete a site-wide and business-wide risk assessment that will stand up to scr national government health, safety and environmental authorities and the local fir nature of this type of business means that there is a strong food and drink hygien involved in the processing / manufacturing processes as well the general fire and concerning any business, manufacturing and distribution premises and the activit working outside of the company's own premises.

More news on this later...




I have just agreed a two year renewable contract with an existing client with who working since 1996.

The difference is that until now all the work has been done on an 'as and when n quality management - ISO 9001; health & safety management; environmental ma 14001) with the associated variable annual costs.

The new agreement combines all the services previously provided PLUS an EMP advisory and EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS writing & update service.

This deal has cemented and expanded the excellent working relationship enjoye company for the last 9 years or so whilst providing the certainty of a fixed cost fo work carried out along with a guaranteed advisory / support telephone / fax / e-m


The 'NEWS' element of this new deal is that until the end of 2003, O&M Manuals sideline for JLBC.

We have now secured a deal to provide all the O&M Manuals for this long-establ completely NEW client to JLBC) specilaising in upgrading old retail and domes buildings in London's high-profile West End area. O&M Manuals are really no bi we beat the competirion on this area by doing the work quickly, to the client's tim only a week's notice is given, whilst still providing a top quality, attractive and use manual packed with colour instead of the 'usual' poor quality monochrome pho

A similar deal was established a year ago with one of older clients, an electrical c specialising in embassy, hospital and local authority installation and service refur It was the success of this arrangement that has led to offering an O&M Man ANYONE who requires it !



Following receipt of one of my mailshots a local chartered building company deci my O&M (Operating & Maintenance) Manual production service. After producing well received by the end 'client', I was asked to write a business plan for the com the company's plans for growth. I worked closely with the Company's Director an Team to put together a closely customised business plan that won considerable has already begun to reap for the Company, the targeted rewards.



I received a phone call from one of my manufacturing clients in the first week of A that their updated ISO 9001: 2000 quality system had just undergone a totally su certification visit from SGS Yarsley.

This was the expected, but none the less pleasing conclusion to a complete 'dum original 'written' system in favour of a totally flowcharted one - that I had been co last year. Very few of my clients have considered totally flowcharting their quality 'business management') systems. This particular company, a specialist construc and grouts manufacturer was absolutely delighted with the result as for some yea wanted to move away from an overly top-heavy 'paperwork' oriented system - an


UKAS accredited seal of approval, after running the new system without difficulty months was the 'icing on the cake'


Attention: SECURITY FIRMS (MANNED SERVICES & SYSTEMS INSTALLERS - You may have seen my advert in SMT (Security Management Today).

Please note: I am currently compiling some information on the security systems s not yet found its way into this web site. Specifically, once published I will be expl depth what I can do to help you with gaining or maintaining your existing NACOS registration.

This will include help with issues such as BS 7858 (security screening of personn common also with the MANNED security sector.

I have just completed a 1-day only assignment to help a new client in the security (who came to me through the SMT advert) to set up and to complete the vetting employees, including ALL necessary documentation (checklists, forms and MOS the records i.e. EVIDENCE. The client was left totally satisfied with what I had d becaiuse I took the trouble to spend the whole day to help him DO the vetting as what / how and why we did what we had to do.

A major competitor wanted to charge virtually the same fee to just send him a pa a brief visit from a consultant plus free telephone advice. I am providing the free telephone advice also but spent probably more than 4 times the amount of timew reassure and explain and help DO the job instead of leaving it ALL FOR HIM TO OWN!





THIS IS A SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER - DON’T DELAY! - The prices s ONLY to orders received UP TO 31st JANUARY 2003

I provide all the necessary new documents, document updating / re-writing, a on help that you need to ensure you DON’T MISS THE BOAT and achieve you upgrade without any extra certification body charges and with the MINIMUM of own part!

What size is your business or organisation?


MICRO BUSINESS - No more than 5 people employed:

£ 420

VERY SMALL BUSINESS - Between 6 and 20 people employed:

£ 630

SMALL BUSINESSES - Between 21 and 50 people employed:

£ 840


MEDIUM SIZE BUSINESSES - Between 51 and 100 people employed: £ 1050


employed:                                                                                  £ 1260 ** see b

* * Subject to survey but this may vary depending on the size, geographic spread those parts of your organisation covered by your ISO 9000 scope.

* All fixed price projects exclude my attendance at visits by certification bodies. A projects fully inclusive of expenses based on my visiting your locations if within re


commuting distance. If you require fully Flowcharted / Process Mapped Quality / Management Systems, I will quote for these larger projects separately.

THIS IS A SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER - DON’T DELAY! - The prices s ONLY to orders received UP TO 31st JANUARY 2003

BUDGET FOR POSSIBLY UP TO 100% EXTRA on the above prices for orde AFTER 31st JANUARY, 2003.

ARCHIVE NEWS - September 2002



SEE ALSO Recommendations

On 18th September, 2002 David Dickinson of the BSIA (British Security Industry his organisation's acknowledgement and support to the presentation by the BSI ( Institute) of the ISO14001: 1996 UKAS accredited certificate to Abbey Petkar, M of Magenta Security Services Ltd.

Why is this so significant? Magenta is the FIRST UK manned security business AND this is John Lane's FIRST client ISO 14001 project and of course, successf

ISO 14001 registration with a properly accredited and recognised body such as B award with environmental issues coming more and more to the forefront in intern local news.

It means that a business or organisation of any type can now PROVE, through th and internationally recognised certification, that it is ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIEN THINKING & ACTING type of concern.

Many of Magenta's clients are environmentally-concerned organisations and hav security provider's pro-active approach. Its clients have contributed to Magenta's programme and now the company can provide thanks for that assistance by prov environmentally (i.e. resource-saving and cost-reducing) service in return.

The BSI was selected to carry out the assessment and registration process - NO UKAS accredited and worlwdide recognised certification body to please!

Choosing the BSI was, however quite easy because Magenta wanted there to b CREDIBILITY attached to its real, practical environmental improvement work.

For John Lane, whose first experience with environmental management began w by BP to develop an approach to implementing BS 7750 at its South Wales oper this has been a major, if long-awaited achievement.

Many businesses and government / public authorities want to be thought of as en friendly but when it come to the crunch, only the brave few are prepared to be ‘te environmental standard and to put hard cash into it !

When you are working for major international corporations who have major envir commitments - to be a supplier TO those organisations means you HAVE TO BE FOLLOW IN THEIR FOOTSTEPS to WIN and KEEP their business!

This exercise also proved beyond any doubt that there is NO SUCH THING as a organisation that does NOT NEED to make environmental improvements or that 14001 does NOT apply to us !


ARCHIVE NEWS - August 2002


Between March and July of 2002, John Lane authored a completely new approac cement, grout and industrial flooring manufacturing firm's quality management sy request. John was approached by this firm based on earlier work that he had do their health and safety management system.

The entire existing documented quality system was disliked by the entire compan far too heavy weight for its purpose and had become difficult to maintain or to fol


SGS Yarsley's assessor reviewed the new, totally-charted, full-colour system in A happy to 'sign it off' as being totally compliant with ISO 9001: 2000 as well as bei appropriate to the company and its current needs and requirements.

Approximately 20 days' work was put into this project by John Lane. Every chart the project was reviewed and agreed with every relevant employee in the compa was a total 'BUY-IN' to the finished result.

Process mapping and flowcharting are tools that John Lane has been using sinc in the 1970s. Bringing these techniques into play today is still good fun because help to highlight the inefficiencies and unnecessary duplication in the way people though they do not always recognise this is happening. In fact, this particular clie room for improvement and was very pleased with the outcome.

John was commended for meeting ALL the project objectives by the company's l group management (a German based manufacturing group).

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